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100 Days Of Code - Log (Round 4)

Day 100: March 1, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. I worked on the shoppingCart component.

Thoughts: Another 100 Days!!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 99: February 29, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. I finished the edit product route. It took me a whle because I was having problems getting the url id parameter. Now I need to changed the save button to adequate with updating a product.

Thoughts: We will have another 29 in 4 years lol.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 98: February 28, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. I worked on the Edit Product route/ component.

Thoughts: It's good to see long time friends and catch up with them. (CEET <3)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 97: February 27, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. I finish the products table and worked on the models as well.

Thoughts: I'm feeling very good about my internship and I've been loving Angular as well.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 96: February 26, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. Worked on the manage-products component.

Thoughts: I'm getting good at bootstrap since I've been using a lot lately.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 95: February 25, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. Worked on the Shopping Cart component again and added a ShoppingCart to the db.

Thoughts: I have an idea for a mini project in Angular that I'm gonna do in practice this weekend, it is a Digital Card let's see how this goes.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 94: February 24, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. Worked on the Shopping Cart component and the ShoppingCartService.

Thoughts: I'm thinking about using Angular to create my portfolio instead of using React.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 93: February 23, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. I fixed the getCategories code and I worked on the homepage component and changed the Product object.

Thoughts: Sometimes it feels like I will never finish this project. Gosh!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 92: February 22, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the Angular application. Still working on the product related components. I created a service to handle all the firebase stuff and now I am in the process of refactoring code.

Thoughts: I feel very good about myself when I code in the morning. I've done that today because I'm going to Aracruz and I know the travel it will be tiring and I don't want to have to do anything when I get there.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 91: February 21, 2020

Today's Progress: I worked on the angular application. Worked on and fixed a bug on the product form.

Thoughts: I'm very excited with my internship, I like the work and the people. Hopefully I can learn as much as I'm expecting.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 90: February 20, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. I started designing some interfaces and classes for the project and I worked on the product-card component.

Thoughts: There are a lot of things to do in this project and I want to implement some new features as well.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 89: February 19, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Fixed the issue with the db. I populated the categories and changed some code in the product-form component.

Thoughts: I'm becoming very confortable with asynchronous code and I'm loving it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 88: February 18, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Fixed the issue with teh Google sign in and populated a component with data from the firebase db, also changed the navbar according to the current user.

Thoughts: To be honest I don't know when I'm gonna get back to React but hopefully soon.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 87: February 17, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Tried to fix the Google Auth bug and worked on some components.

Thoughts: I need to refactor my code.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 86: February 16, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Installed and added firebase to the project, changed some components and added sign-in with Google ot the login component.

Thoughts: I love planning the dbs and stuff.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 85: February 15, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Worked more on the product-form component, I added the ngModel directive to retreive the values from the form and created a preview card. I also added some CSS to the navbar to makes thing a bit better.

Thoughts: It's very cool to use Angular since it's the framework I will probably be using in the future in my internship. BTW I've been very happy about it, sometimes it feels too good to be true lol.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 84: February 14, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Added more bootstrap to the project and and worked on the product component.

Thoughts: A very unusual day

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 83: February 13, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Created a service AuthGuard to protect the routes and also changed the login component. Today was very focused on the forms which I've made with Bootstrap.

Thoughts: Angular is a bit rigid but I like it I feel like it demands you to be thinking about clean and maintainable code. I'm very used to write Typescript (I guess lol).

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 82: February 12, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular. Created and worked on two components , Home and Navbar and also implemented routing.

Thoughts: I will be focusing on Angular for the next few days.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 81: February 11, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on the first-project in Angular.

Thoughts: Angular is harder than React but you have more features the way I see it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 80: February 10, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on the section about React Events and started a repo to get deeper in my Angular studies.

Thoughts: I've been learning a lot about Angular and there are some things that I think are better than in React but it's soon to have a strong opinion.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 79: February 9, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished Color Boxes project and started section 10.

Thoughts: I've done the challenge early in the afternoon so this is new and i like it. lol

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 78: February 8, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Continued working the Color Boxes project.

Thoughts: Yay Kaio. You will know what I mean.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 77: February 7, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked the Color Boxes project.

Thoughts: TGIF? haha I feel like I have no time but I'm sure it's just poor time management skills.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 76: February 6, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished the Coin Flipper project and started the Color Boxes one.

Thoughts: Very tiring day I still need to adjust ot my new routine.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 75: February 5, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on the Coin Flipper and made some adjustments on the Lottery project.

Thoughts: What a time to be alive, Angular and React in the same day!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 74: February 4, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on section 9 which are exercises to review the previous sections. Also started the Information Security with HelmetJS section on FCC.

Thoughts: I guess it's possible to do the 100DaysOfCode earlier.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 73: February 3, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished section 8 which is about React State Patterns. Learned that is better to minimize the state and that is better to centerlize the states in the parent component. Also some patterns on changings the state.

Thoughts: Another failed 100DaysOfCode done in the morning, but at least I still do them. Colt is very good at explaninig complex topics I always feel that I truly understand his videos.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 72: February 2, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on the Dice Exercise.

Thoughts: I have to start doing the challenge in the mornings! I'm sort of okay with my progress.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 71: February 1, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Started section 7 and worked on the Dice Exercise

Thoughts: A good but tiring day! The modern React bootcamp is very complete in the sense of you really having the opportunity to understand the fundamentals

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 70: January 31, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on simple projects like RandoGame and started section 7. Reviewed about events and state in React.

Thoughts: I was taken a summer course and today was the last and I passed it. yay! Good things are coming hopefully!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 69: January 30, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished section 6.

Thoughts: React is fun but I'll be needing to start learning Angular soon.(I guess)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 68: January 29, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. I made minor fixes in some old projects and finished section 5. Also started section 6 which is all about state.

Thoughts: A very rewarding day! Hope for the best.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 67: January 28, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Went back to the Pokedex project and made some styling changes and continued section 5.

Thoughts: I received some good news and I'm exicted about what is coming next.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 66: January 27, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished the Pokedex project. React makes things easier!! I love it!

Thoughts: I have a headache and I don't feel like coding but I did it anyway so I feel good about it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 65: January 26, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on the Pokedex project. I'm having problem with the images but tomorrow I'll fix it.

Thoughts: This project I'm working is pretty much the robo friends but simpler. (Technically It's my year anniversary! Happy coding to me!)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 64: January 25, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Worked on the Pokedex project.

Thoughts: When I'm in Aracruz is harder to be productive.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 63: January 24, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished the CRA section.

Thoughts: I have to go a day earlier to Vitoria. I hopt it's worth it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 62: January 23, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Finished the Props section. Worked on the Slot Machine project.

Thoughts: I need to get back to producing more. Go React course!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 61: January 22, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. Started the Section 3: Props and More. This week I will be focusing on the basics.

Thoughts: Love React!!! (I need to make a pros and cons list)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 60: January 21, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued The Modern React Bootcamp. The first sections are all about the react basics. (Function vs Class components, JSX, Props ...)

Thoughts: I'm feeling that the basics are very consolidated already.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 59: January 20, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project. Now I finally know how the frontend should look like. Continued The Modern React Bootcamp.

Thoughts: I'm in Aracruz!! :P :D :))

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 58: January 19, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project. I worked on the Form ansd Logo. I also started The Modern React Bootcamp.

Thoughts: I think I would learn more doing the Andei's course so I will do that later one. I love how pedagogical is Colt's courses in general.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 57: January 18, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project.Added the profile.

Thoughts: I will be going to Aracruz on Monday and I'm very excited.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 56: January 17, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project. Now I added a cool background and added two more components.

Thoughts: I sort of started one of the React course but to be honest I'm not sure which one to choose.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 55: January 16, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project. It's gonna be very inspired by an assignment I did last semester. I created some components. (Logo, Navigation , SignIn , Register)

Thoughts: I still have to choose whihi course I'm gonna be taken. Hopefully I will start tomorrow.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 54: January 15, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Green Check Submit project. It's gonna be very inspired by an assignment I did last semester. I planned out the main parts and now I have create them all.

Thoughts: I will start the React course but first I need to work on a personal project.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 53: January 14, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Production and Deployment section. and I came back to the Redux section.

Thoughts: I finished the course!!! I'm so proud of me. Loved the course and I've learned so much.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 52: January 13, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Learned about Evironmental variables, security of the SmartBrain app.

Thoughts: Today was a shitty day. I was/am sick most of the day with a headache and body pain as well. I will fisnish the course tomorrow (I guess).

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 51: January 12, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the SmartBrain database connection. Using KNEX helps a lot (a very good pacakge).

Thoughts: It was a fun day I went to the beach with my girlfriend and her family. I loved it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 50: January 11, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Database section. And I started the SmartBrain connection to a database.

Thoughts: Maybe I got very excited yesterday but I will definitely finish the course next week.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 49: January 10, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finally finished the Server/Backend section. I started the Database section.

Thoughts: I would love to finish this course this week.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 48: January 9, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Worked on connecting the SmartBrain with the backend server we created in the past few days.

Thoughts: I coded more than I exppected. That is so good.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 47: January 8, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Worked on setting up the server creating the signin and register routes.

Thoughts: Still lazy. I have to start being more productive again. I'm doing everythign but it's been painful lol. I know tomorrow I'll be better (hopefully)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 46: January 7, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Solved the two parts of the challenge and stated the Backend part of the SmartBrain project.

Thoughts: First day in Vitoria. I confess I was not missing here, at all. I'm extra lazy here.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 45: January 6, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Node and Express section. I just started solving a challenge. I should be more excited about it but I'm just feeling lazy. I will finsish it today though.

Thoughts: I have my travel scheduled for later today. Bye Aracruz for now.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 44: January 5, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Node and Epxress section. Learned about GET, POST, PUT, Postman and Restful API.

Thoughts: I should've gone to Vitoria today but I decided to spend one more day in my hometown.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 43: January 4, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the frontend part of the SmartBrain project and started the Node and Express section of the ZTM course.

Thoughts: I need to work in the mornings because of the weather here where my parents live. To be fair, It's raining a lot all over the state where I live.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 42: January 3, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Face Recognition application. Created SignIn and Register routes. Learning a lot about props and states.

Thoughts: I almost finishing this course. I'm so happy with the progress that I'm making.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 41: January 2, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Face Recognition application. Learning about the Clarifai API and how to incorporate that into my face-recognition app.

Thoughts: I have a lot of project ideas to create using React. I've been writing them on my Google Keep.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 40: January 1, 2020

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Face Recognition application.

Thoughts: Happy 2020!! I hope I have a great year and I hope I can make my goals reality.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 39: December 31, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the Face Recognition application. Created the components for the app.

Thoughts: Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 38: December 30, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the API section on ZTM. Also worked on the API project just to learn how to use one. It's not that hard but I'm saying that about public api and I don't need a key to use them. (That's whole other thing , I guess).

Thoughts: Sometimes I learn that I can work more hours than I expect of me.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 37: December 29, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the API section. and configured Node on my Windows.

Thoughts: Every time I need to use Windows I remember why I don't use it anymore. I'm installing The Sims 4 on Windows to see if it's worth to maintain the Windows partition.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 36: December 28, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the React section and Started the HTTP/JSON/AJAX section.

Thoughts: Deployed the Robo Friends and learned about HTTP and HTTPS and JSON.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 35: December 27, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Added some changes to RoboFriends and Reviewed what I learned about React up to this point.

Thoughts: Learned a bit about lifecycle hooks and about fetch(). I feel that I will learn so much about React on the other course I can't wait to do that one.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 34: December 26, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Robo Friends.

Thoughts: Learned more about states. I feel that taking this course is being more like a very extensive review, some of the topics are new but until now I have some familiarity with everything.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 33: December 25, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the React robot friends project. Made changes related to the cards display.

Thoughts: React sure helps you with your JS skills. I have an entire React course that I'm gonna take next. Merry Christmas!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 32: December 24, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the React robot friends project.

Thoughts: Happy Christmas Eve!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 31: December 23, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the React + Redux Section.

Thoughts: Created the first react app using create-react-app, it's very practical.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 30: December 22, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Git + Github section and the NPM + NPM Scripts section as well.

Thoughts: This course is the best one I've taken so far. It has a lot of resources and it goes beyond the expected, I've been learning some technical skills and also about workflow and other non-so-technical skills.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 29: December 21, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Git + Github section.

Thoughts: Learned more about some git commands.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 28: December 20, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Git + Github section.

Thoughts: This couple of sections are not as fun as the first one but fighting.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 27: December 19, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the Git + Github section.

Thoughts: I want to go home for a bit, that should be nice for a moment.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 26: December 18, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy.Continued the Developer Environment section.

Thoughts: I want to finish this section as soon as possible

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 25: December 17, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the Command Line section and started the Developer Environment section. I also started a project to learn how to use the Instagram API.

Thoughts: I've been having a hard time using the Instagram API but it's not a node or javascript problem surprisingly it's the documentation which is horrible and how it's not at all intuitive to use their platform.(facebook developers)

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 24: December 16, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued advanced Javascript Section. (Debugging, How JS works, Module and some practice)

Thoughts: I've been loving the ZTM course. I feel that I can already see my progress in web dev. I intend to work on some cool projects to pad up my resume on this vacation.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 23: December 15, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Advanced Javascript Section. (Type Coersion, ES7, ES8,ES9, ES10 )

Thoughts: I need to start doing this earlier in the day.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 22: December 14, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the Advanced Javascript Section. (Map, Reduce, Filter and exercises)

Thoughts: Why do I feel I am procrastinating ? Because I am. Eff it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 21: December 13, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued the Advanced Javascript Section. (Currying, Compose and Closure)

Thoughts: First day of vacation (sort of).

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 20: December 12, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the Advanced Javascript Section. (Control flow, ES5 and ES6, Advanced Functions)

Thoughts: I'm feeling so anxious because of the results of the classes that I still need feedback.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 19: December 11, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the DOM section on ZTM.

Thoughts: I just want my vaccation.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 18: December 10, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Worked in a Gradient Backgrond project that I tried to do by myself and it is very efficient that way.

Thoughts: That's the last project using the DOM I guess. It wasn't that bad. I know once I get to the React section I will be getting back to events and stuff.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 17: December 9, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continue the DOM Manipulation section.(Event Listeners, callback functions) + Todo list (Shopping app)

Thoughts: It was fun to work with events but at the same time I just can't wait to be studying something else.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 16: December 8, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continue the DOM Manipulation section.(Event Listeners, callback functions)

Thoughts: So many assignments due tomorrow I'm definitely going crazy!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 15: December 7, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continue the DOM Manipulation section.(document, window, getElementById, querySelector, querySelectorAll, ...)

Thoughts: The end of the semester is being the end of the semester.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 14: December 6, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the JS section and started the DOM Manipulation section.

Thoughts:This section is freaking important and I want to master it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 13: December 5, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued ZTM JS section. Solved an exercise and reviewed Loops.

Thoughts: So tired I want a vacation!!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 12: December 4, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued ZTM JS section. Reviewed Arrays and Objects.

Thoughts: It only lasted one day trying to wake up early and code!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 11: December 3, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the JS section on the ZTM course. It was pretty much a review.

Thoughts: Trying this approach of coding in the morning so I can make space for my obligations in the afternoon and whatnot.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 10: December 2, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Finished the small project (Layout project) and the CSS Grid + CSS Layout section.

Thoughts: The day flew by so quickly! and this doesn't mean it was a good one. I have to process what happened today cause it was a lot.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 9: December 1, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Continued with the project using CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox

Thoughts: I have so much to do because it's the end of the semester that it's hard to not feel overwhelmed but I know I can do it.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 8: November 30, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Started the CSS Grid + Layout section. I've worked a bit on a project to create a css layout. I'm struggling a bit and I love it.

Thoughts: This course is better than I expected. Very innovative and I feel that I learn so much. Love this feeling.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 7: November 29, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. Worked on the startup lading page and put that online using Github Pages in a different way that I've known

Thoughts: Go Web Dev!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 6: November 28, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy.Continued on the Bootstrap 4 section.

Thoughts: Not a very productive day but I needed that (sort of).

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 5: November 27, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy.Finished the Advanced CSS section and started the section about Bootstrap 4. Now I'm working on a small landing page project.

Thoughts: I have a very important big exam that I'm not prepared for but I had to work on ma challenge, you know. I'm so tired already hopefully I can learn what I need to get a decent grade.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 4: November 26, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy.Finished the CSS section and I'm at the end of the Advanced CSS section. I reviewed about the box model, flexbox, css transform and animation properties creating a fun mini project (code-along).

Thoughts: I'm very excited to be doing this course. I want to improve my frontend skills and I think having a solid CSS foundation is a start. I have been all over the place when it comes to what I want to do careerwise. I wanted to be a backend Java developer, a frontend developer a JS developer you name it. The only thing I'm certain (for now) that I want to be developing web appliations.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 3: November 25, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. I'm almost finishing the CSS section. I need to review about the box model and about some properties before diving into the Advanced CSS section. So far it's been a really comprehensive review. To be fair I didn't know about the !important keyword that could be used in a css property.

Thoughts: So fun!! Sometimes I forget that I like programming and learning. My college career has been so frustating and filled with lack of motivation and unfair/ boring professors that I forget that I love learning and I actually enjoy the process of acquiring knowledge.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 2: November 24, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I continued the ZTM course on Udemy. I finished the sections about HTML. It was more like a review than anything but it was worth it. It is never too much when it comes to refreshing the basics.

Thoughts: I can't wait to see how applying myself everyday for an hour for this challenge will change my perpective on web development. I already feel that I have a new approach to web dev comparing to the start of 2019.

Link(s) to work: Commit Link

Day 1: November 23, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I started the ZTM course on Udemy again. I will finish this course this time. I feel like I know I'll learn a lot I just have to stick to it. I still have a lot of school things to do but the 100 Days Of Code will be for web dev because I need to get back to JS and React and all that good stuff again.

Thoughts: I took the first step now I will be web developing for the next 99 days!!!

Link(s) to work: Commit Link