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# word2word

# word2word

Easy-to-use word-to-word translations for 3,564 language pairs.

## Key Features

* A large collection of freely & publicly available word-to-word translations
**for 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.**
* Easy-to-use Python interface.
* Constructed using an efficient approach that is quantitatively examined by
proficient bilingual human labelers.

## Usage

First, install the package using `pip`:
pip install word2word


git clone
python install

Then, in Python, download the model and retrieve top-5 word translations
of any given word to the desired language:
from word2word import Word2word
en2fr = Word2word("en", "fr")
# out: ['pomme', 'pommes', 'pommier', 'tartes', 'fleurs']


## Supported Languages

We provide top-k word-to-word translations across all available pairs
from [OpenSubtitles2018](
This amounts to a total of 3,564 language pairs across 62 unique languages.

The full list is provided [here](word2word/supporting_languages.txt).

## Methodology

Our approach computes the top-k word-to-word translations based on
the co-occurrence statistics between cross-lingual word pairs in a parallel corpus.
We additionally introduce a correction term that controls for any confounding effect
coming from other source words within the same sentence.
The resulting method is an efficient and scalable approach that allows us to
construct large bilingual dictionaries from any given parallel corpus.

For more details, see the Methods section of [our paper draft](word2word-draft.pdf).

## Comparisons with Existing Software

A popular publicly available dataset of word-to-word translations is
[`facebookresearch/MUSE`](, which
includes 110 bilingual dictionaries that are built from Facebook's internal translation tool.
In comparison to MUSE, `word2word` does not rely on a translation software
and contains much larger sets of language pairs (3,564).
`word2word` also provides the top-k word-to-word translations for up to 100k words
(compared to 5~10k words in MUSE) and can be applied to any language pairs
for which there is a parallel corpus.

In terms of quality, while a direct comparison between the two methods is difficult,
we did notice that MUSE's bilingual dictionaries involving non-European languages may be not as useful.
For English-Vietnamese, we found that 80% of the 1,500 word pairs in
the validation set had the same word twice as a pair
(e.g. crimson-crimson, Suzuki-Suzuki, Randall-Randall).

For more details, see Appendix in [our paper draft](word2word-draft.pdf).

## References

If you use our software for research, please cite:
author = {Park, Kyubyong and Kim, Dongwoo and Choe, Yo Joong},
title = {word2word},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}}
(We may later update this bibtex with a reference to [our paper report](word2word-draft.pdf).)

All of our word-to-word translations were constructed from the publicly available
[OpenSubtitles2018]( dataset:
title={Opensubtitles2016: Extracting large parallel corpora from movie and tv subtitles},
author={Lison, Pierre and Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg},
publisher={European Language Resources Association}

## Authors

[Kyubyong Park](,
[Dongwoo Kim](, and
[YJ Choe](

276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
authors: Kyubyong Park (, YJ Choe (, Dongwoo Kim (
import codecs
import os
import re
import pickle
import operator
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
from tqdm import tqdm
import argparse
import logging
from utils import get_savedir

def download(lang1, lang2):
'''Download corpora from Opensubtitles 2018'''
download = f"wget{lang1}-{lang2} -P data"
unzip = "unzip data/*.zip -d data/"
rm_zip = "rm data/*.zip"
rm_ids = "rm data/*.ids"
rm_readme = "rm README*"
for cmd in (download, unzip, rm_zip, rm_ids, rm_readme):

def normalize(tokens, ignore_first_word):
'''If ignore_firs_word is True,
We drop the first word or token
because its true case is unclear.'''
if ignore_first_word:
tokens = tokens[1:]
return tokens

def word_segment(sent, lang, tokenizer):
if lang=="en":
words = tokenizer(sent)
elif lang == 'ko':
words = [word for word, _ in tokenizer.pos(sent)]
elif lang=='ja':
words = [elem for elem in tokenizer.getWS(sent)]
elif lang=='th':
words = tokenizer(sent, engine='mm')
elif lang=='vi':
words = tokenizer.tokenize(sent).split()
elif lang=='zh_cn':
words = [elem for elem in tokenizer.getWS(sent)]
elif lang=="zh_tw":
words = list(tokenizer.cut(sent, cut_all=False))
elif lang=="ar":
words = tokenizer.tokenize(sent)
else: # Mostly european languages
sent = re.sub("([!.?,])", r" \1", sent)
words = sent.split()

return words

def refine(fin, lang, max_lines, tokenizer, ignore_first_word):
lines =, 'r', 'utf-8').read().split("\n")
lines = lines[:max_lines]
sents = [normalize(word_segment(sent, lang, tokenizer), lang, ignore_first_word) for sent in tqdm(lines)]
return sents

def create_conversion_dicts(sents, n_lexicon):
word2idx, idx2word, idx2cnt = dict(), dict(), dict()
word2cnt = Counter(tqdm(list(chain.from_iterable(sents))))
for idx, (word, cnt) in enumerate(word2cnt.most_common(n_lexicon)):
word2idx[word] = idx
idx2word[idx] = word
idx2cnt[idx] = cnt

return word2idx, idx2word, idx2cnt

def update_monolingual_dict(xs, x2xs, cutoff):
for x in xs:
for _x in xs: # _x: collocate
if x == _x: continue
if _x > cutoff: continue # Cut off infrequent words to save memory
if x not in x2xs: x2xs[x] = dict()
if _x not in x2xs[x]: x2xs[x][_x] = 0
x2xs[x][_x] += 1
return x2xs

def adjust_dict(x2ys, x2cnt, x2xs, reranking_width, n_trans):
_x2ys = dict()
for x, ys in tqdm(x2ys.items()):
if x not in x2xs: continue # if there's no collocates, we don't have to adjust the score.
cntx = x2cnt[x]
y_scores = []
for y, cnty in sorted(ys.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:reranking_width]:
ts = cnty / float(cntx) # translation score: initial value
for x2, cntx2 in x2xs[x].items(): # Collocates
p_x_x2 = cntx2 / float(cntx)
p_x2_y2 = 0
if x2 in x2ys:
p_x2_y2 = x2ys[x2].get(y, 0) / float(x2cnt[x2])
ts -= (p_x_x2 * p_x2_y2)
y_scores.append((y, ts))
_ys = sorted(y_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:n_trans]
_ys = [each[0] for each in _ys]
_x2ys[x] = _ys

return _x2ys

def load_tokenizer(lang):
if lang=="en":
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize as wt
tokenizer = wt
elif lang=="ko":
from konlpy.tag import Kkma
tokenizer = Kkma()
elif lang=="ja":
import Mykytea
opt="-model jp-0.4.7-1.mod"
tokenizer = Mykytea.Mykytea(opt)
elif lang=="zh_cn":
import Mykytea
opt = "-model ctb-0.4.0-1.mod"
tokenizer = Mykytea.Mykytea(opt)
elif lang=="zh_tw":
import jieba
tokenizer = jieba
elif lang=="vi":
from pyvi import ViTokenizer
tokenizer = ViTokenizer
elif lang=="th":
from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize
tokenizer = word_tokenize
elif lang=="ar":
import pyarabic.araby as araby
tokenizer = araby
tokenizer = None

return tokenizer

# def sanity_check(word2x, x2ys, _x2ys, y2word, reranking_width):
# if "time" not in word2x: return ""
# time_id = word2x["time"]
# # before adjustment
# ys = x2ys[time_id]
# y_cnt = sorted(ys.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:reranking_width]
# print("\tbefore adjustment the translations of `time` were =>", " | ".join(y2word[y] for y, cnt in y_cnt))
# # after adjustment
# ys = _x2ys[time_id]
# print("\tafter adjustment the translations of `time` are => ", " | ".join(y2word[y] for y in ys))

def main(hp):"Step 0. Download ..")
lang1, lang2 = sorted([hp.lang1, hp.lang2])
download(lang1, lang2)"Step 1. Load tokenizer ..")
tokenizer1 = load_tokenizer(lang1)
tokenizer2 = load_tokenizer(lang2)"Step 2. Normalize sentences ..")"Working on {lang1} ..")
fin = f'data/OpenSubtitles.{lang1}-{lang2}.{lang1}'
sents1 = refine(fin, lang1, hp.max_lines, tokenizer1, hp.ignore_first_word1)"Working on {lang2} ..")
fin = f'data/OpenSubtitles.{lang1}-{lang2}.{lang2}'
sents2 = refine(fin, lang2, hp.max_lines, tokenizer2, hp.ignore_first_word2)

assert len(sents1) == len(sents2), \
f"""{lang1} and {lang2} MUST be the same in length.\n
{lang1} has {len(sents1)} lines, but {lang2} has {len(sents2)} lines"""

# Create folder
savedir = get_savedir()
os.makedirs(savedir, exist_ok=True)

print("Step 3. Initialize dictionaries")
# conversion dictionaries
word2x, x2word, x2cnt = create_conversion_dicts(sents1, hp.n_lexicon)
word2y, y2word, y2cnt = create_conversion_dicts(sents2, hp.n_lexicon)

# monolingual collocation dictionaries
x2xs = dict() # {x: {x1: cnt, x2: cnt, ...}}
y2ys = dict() # {y: {y1: cnt, y2: cnt, ...}}

# crosslingual collocation dictionaries
x2ys = dict() # {x: {y1: cnt, y2: cnt, ...}}
y2xs = dict() # {y: {x1: cnt, x2: cnt, ...}}

print("Step 4. Update dictionaries ...")
line_num = 1
for sent1, sent2 in tqdm(zip(sents1, sents2), total=len(sents1)):
if len(sent1) <= 1 or len(sent2) <= 1: continue

# To indices
xs = [word2x[word] for word in sent1 if word in word2x]
ys = [word2y[word] for word in sent2 if word in word2y]

# Monolingual dictionary updates
x2xs = update_monolingual_dict(xs, x2xs, hp.cutoff)
y2ys = update_monolingual_dict(ys, y2ys, hp.cutoff)

# Crosslingual dictionary updates
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
if line_num <= hp.lexicon_lines:
## lang1 -> lang2
if x not in x2ys: x2ys[x] = dict()
if y not in x2ys[x]: x2ys[x][y] = 0
x2ys[x][y] += 1

## lang2 -> lang1
if y not in y2xs: y2xs[y] = dict()
if x not in y2xs[y]: y2xs[y][x] = 0
y2xs[y][x] += 1

else: # We don't add new words after some point to save memory.
## lang1 -> lang2
if x in x2ys and y in x2ys[x] and x2ys[x][y] > 1:
x2ys[x][y] += 1

## lang2 -> lang1
if y in y2xs and x in y2xs[y] and y2xs[y][x] > 1:
y2xs[y][x] += 1
line_num += 1

print("Step 5. Adjust ...")
_x2ys = adjust_dict(x2ys, x2cnt, x2xs, hp.reranking_width, hp.n_trans)
_y2xs = adjust_dict(y2xs, y2cnt, y2ys, hp.reranking_width, hp.n_trans)

# print("Step 5. Sanity check")
# if lang1 == "en":
# sanity_check(word2x, x2ys, _x2ys, y2word, hp.reranking_width)
# elif lang2 == "en":
# sanity_check(word2y, y2xs, _y2xs, x2word, hp.reranking_width)
# else:
# pass

print("Step 6. Save")
pickle.dump((word2x, y2word, _x2ys), open(f'{savedir}/{lang1}-{lang2}.pkl', 'wb'))
pickle.dump((word2y, x2word, _y2xs), open(f'{savedir}/{lang2}-{lang1}.pkl', 'wb'))


if __name__ == "__main__":
# arguments setting
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--lang1', type=str, required=True,
help="ISO 639-1 code of language. See ``")
parser.add_argument('--lang2', type=str, required=True,
help="ISO 639-1 code of language. See ``")
parser.add_argument('--max_lines', type=int, default=1000000, help="maximum number of lines that are used")
parser.add_argument('--ignore_first_word1', dest="ignore_first_word1", action="store_true",
help="Ignore first words in the source lang because we don't know the true case of them.")
parser.add_argument('--ignore_first_word2', dest="ignore_first_word2", action="store_true",
help="Ignore first words in the target lang because we don't know the true case of them.")
parser.add_argument('--cutoff', type=int, default=1000,
help="number of words that are used in calculating collocation")
parser.add_argument('--lexicon_lines', type=int, default=100000,
help="New words are not added after some point to save memory")
parser.add_argument('--n_lexicon', type=int, default=100000,
help="number fo words in lexicon")
parser.add_argument('--reranking_width', default=100,
help="maximum collocates that we consider when reranking them")
parser.add_argument('--n_trans', type=int, default=10,
help="number of final translations")
hp = parser.parse_args()


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