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246 lines (195 loc) · 8.69 KB

Developer documentation

This documentation will help you to understand Tranquilpeak Hugo theme code.

If you want to report a bug or ask a question, create an issue.



  • Author: Thibaud Leprêtre
  • Version: 0.5.3-BETA (based on Hexo version 3.1.0)
  • Compatibility: Hugo v0.53


  1. Hugo : v0.16 or higher, see official documentation (
  2. Grunt CLI : v0.1.13 or higher. Run npm install grunt-cli -g


  1. Run git clone
  2. Rename the local folder from hugo-tranquilpeak-theme to tranquilpeak and place it in themes folder of your Hexo blog
  3. Modify the hugo config in config.toml by changing theme variable to tranquilpeak
  4. Go in theme/tranquilpeak folder with cd themes/tranquilpeak
  5. Install requirements
  6. Run npm install to install NPM dependencies

If you want to configure the theme, please follow the user documentation

Code style

We use ESLint based on Google code style to maintain javascript code style. Check code style with :

npm run lint

Code structure

├── docs
├── layout
├── src
└── tasks
File/Folder Description
docs Contains user and developer documentation
layout Contains all views
src Contains all assets (css, js and images)
tasks Contains all grunt tasks


├── layout
    ├── partials
    │   ├── post
    │   ...
Folder Description
layout Contails all mains views
layout/partial Contains all partial views included in main views
layout/partial/post Contains all partial views to build post



SCSS structure follow 7-1 pattern of sass guidelines If you want more information and to understand better this code, consult sass guidelines


├── images
    └── cover.jpg
File Description
cover.png Default background cover of the blog

Contains all images of the theme.


├── js
    ├── .eslintrc.json
    ├── about.js
    ├── archives-filter.js
    ├── categories-filter.js
    ├── codeblock-resizer.js
    ├── fancybox.js
    ├── header.js
    ├── image-gallery.js
    ├── post-bottom-bar.js
    ├── share-options.js
    ├── sidebar.js
    ├── smartresize.js
    ├── tabbed-codeblocks.js
    └── tags-filter.js
File Description
about.js Fade out the blog and let drop the about card of the author and vice versa
archives-filter.js Filter posts by using their date on archives page : /archives
categories-filter.js Filter posts by using their categories on archives page : /categories
codeblock-resizer.js Resize code blocks to fit the screen width
fancybox.js.js Run Fancybox plugin
header.js Hide the header when the user scrolls down, and show it when he scrolls up
image-gallery.js Resize all images of an image-gallery
post-bottom-bar.js Hide the post bottom bar when the post footer is visible by the user, and vice versa
share-options.js Open and close the share-options bar
sidebar.js Open and close the sidebar by swiping the sidebar and the blog and vice versa
smartresize.js Debouncing function from John Hann
tabbed-codeblocks.js Animate tabs of tabbed code blocks
tags-filter.js Filter posts by using their tags on archives page : /tags

Each file correspond to a feature.

NPM scripts

Use npm run <script_name> to run one of these scripts. E.g : npm run start

npm run ... Description
start Build the theme once and rebuild after each change
prod Build the theme for production. (synchronize images, fonts, compile assets (css and js) with some optimization (concat and minify) and link it to views)
lint Check code style with ESLint

Grunt tasks

Tasks structure

├── tasks
    ├── config
    ├── register
    └── pipeline.js
File/folder Description
config Default tasks
register Alias tasks which call multiple default tasks
pipeline.js Files which contains a list of javascript and stylesheets files linked to the blog


// Js files to inject in `layout/partials/script.html`
var tranquilpeakJsFilesToInject = [
// Css files to inject in `layout/partials/head.html`
var tranquilpeakCssFilesToInject = [
Variable Description
tranquilpeakJsFilesToInject Files injected in layout/partials/script.html (development environment)
tranquilpeakCssFilesToInject Files injected inlayout/partials/head.html (development environment)

On production environment, these javascript and stylesheets files are concatenate and minify in 1 javascript file and 1 stylesheet file and linked to their respective views

Config tasks

Task Description
clean Delete src/assets folder
  • devJs : Concat all javascript files located in src/js/ into 1 file : src/assets/js/tranquilpeak.js
  • prodCss : Concat all stylesheets files located in src/assets/css/ into 1 file : src/assets/css/style.css
  • prodJs : Concat all javascript listed in tasks/pipeline.js in 1 file : src/assets/js/script.js
cssmin Minify src/assets/cssstyle.css file in : src/assets/cssstyle.min.css
  • eslint : run eslint .
  • devJs : Link all javascript files listed in tasks/pipeline.js to layout/partials/script.html
  • devCss : Link all stylesheets files listed in tasks/pipeline.js to layout/partials/head.html
  • prodJs : Link src/assets/js/script.min.js file in layout/partials/script.html
  • prodCss : Link src/assets/js/style.min.css file in layout/partials/head.html
sass Compile src/scss/tranquilpeak.scss file in src/assets/css/tranquilpeak.css
sync Synchronize images from src/images to src/assets/images and fonts from src/fonts to src/assets/fonts
watch Watch assets from src/*/**/* folder to detect changes and launch syncAssets task

Register tasks

Task Description
build Synchronize images, fonts, compile assets (css and js) and link it to views
buildProd Synchronize images, fonts, compile assets (css and js) with some optimization (concat and minify) and link it to views
default Build the theme once and rebuild after each change
eslint Check code style with ESLint
compileAssets Compile scss files and concat js files
linkAssets Link all javascript and stylesheets files to views
linkAssetsProd Link one javascript file and one stylesheet file (concatenated and minified) to views
syncAssets Synchronize assets (css, js, fonts and images)

When you run grunt build or grunt buildProd tasks, a source/assets folder will be created with all files generated in. When you will start your hexo server, only this folder will be copied in public folder


Development environment

  1. Run npm run start and start coding :)

Production environment (before deploying your blog)

  1. Run npm run prod to build the project with some optimization (concat and minify) to reduce number of HTTP requests and improve performance.


Run hugo server and start coding! :)