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FinalFury Keypad v1.0

Thank you for choosing the FinalFury Keypad v1.0 "Flappy Switch Box" (tm). Our very first custom gaming peripheral.

Python Script Setup

Install Python 3 from here.

Next install the additional dependencies by running the following command.

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

USB Serial Driver Installation

This keypad uses an Arduino Nano with a CH340 USB Serial interface. Please unzip the included driver package "ELEGOO CH340 Driver" or alternatively download the latest from Elegoo.

Command Line Options

usage: [-h] -p COM_PORT [-s SETTINGS_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p COM_PORT, --com_port COM_PORT
                        The com port name where your keypad is attached. (eg: COM3)
  -s SETTINGS_FILE, --settings_file SETTINGS_FILE
                        Path to your json settings file

Which COM Port?

In order to determine which com port to use follow these steps on Windows 10..

  • Right click on the Windows button.
  • Choose 'Device Manager'.
  • Expand the 'Ports (COM & LPT)'.
  • Remember the port name listed next to 'USB-SERIAL CH340' in brackets.

Settings File

The settings file allows you to customise the operation of you keypad. It's a simple json file describing a nested dictionary. The top level of the dictionary lists application binary names (eg: 'notepad.exe') with one reserved name of '_default_' which is used to specify settings that should be applied when no specific entry is available for the currently focused application.

Within each application dictionary you will then find a 'lightmap' and a 'keymap' entry. Within these you can specify custom behaviors for the lights and keys of your keypad that will be in operation whenever the named application is the currently focused window.


The light map specifies a list of consecutively numbered lights in a dictionary with settings for each light described in a further nested dictionary of key:value pairs. By default lights only require one field 'type'.

The following table describes the available light types.

Name Description Additional Parameters
always Light is always on
never Light is always off
pattern Light is on/off over time according to a pattern of '#' and ' ' chars where each char represents 1/8th of a second. pattern: <list of #s and spaces>
elite_dangerous_status light state follows the value of an Elite Dangerous status flag modulated by a pattern. pattern: <list of #s and spaces> edstatus: <Elite Dangerous status code, see reference>


The key map specifies settings for each of the switches and keys on your keypad. It has a similar layout to the lightmap. By default keys require three fields.

Name Description
type The switch type. See table below
invert Invert the key state transition events coming from the keypad. Up becomes down and down becomes up.
keypress A string describing the keyboard event(s) that the key will trigger. These are as described here. For example "ctrl+shift+m".

The following key types are available..

Name Description Additional Parameters
default or hw_toggle Switch state is taken raw from the switch HW
sw_toggle Each press/release cycle of the switch will toggle the switch state
press_release_ud Press and release events are triggered on all state transitions of the HW switch
press_release_u Press and release events are triggered on transitions to the up state of the HW switch
press_release_d Press and release events are triggered on transitions to the down state of the HW switch
elite_dangerous_autotoggle Switch state is tracked like hw_toggle. Additionally Elite Dangerous status is tracked and kept in sync with the HW switch. Assumes that key-bindings in Elite Dangerous are set to match 'keypress' value edstatus: <Elite Dangerous status code, see reference>

Elite Dangerous Status Codes

The following table lists the currently known status codes that can be used along with the 'elite_dangerous_autotoggle' key type and the 'elite_dangerous_status' light type.

Name Description Light Key
0 Docked (on a landing pad) x
1 Landed (on planet surface) x
2 Landing Gear Down x x
3 Shields Up x
4 Supercruise x x
5 FlightAssist Off x x
6 Hardpoints Deployed x x
7 In Wing x
8 LightsOn x x
9 Cargo Scoop Deployed x x
10 Silent Running x x
11 Scooping Fuel x
12 Srv Handbrake x x
13 Srv using Turret view x
14 Srv Turret retracted (close to ship) x
15 Srv DriveAssist x x
16 Fsd MassLocked x
17 Fsd Charging x
18 Fsd Cooldown x
19 Low Fuel ( < 25% ) x
20 Over Heating ( > 100% ) x
21 Has Lat Long x
22 IsInDanger x
23 Being Interdicted x
24 In MainShip x
25 In Fighter x
26 In SRV x
27 Hud in Analysis mode x
28 Night Vision x x


Custom keypad controller built on Arduino







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