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OrbitIQ - Educational Platform for Outer Space

By Swasti Mohanty


OrbitIQ aims to develop an online platform focused on providing outer space education to students. The platform will feature interactive 3D models of celestial bodies, educational content, and optionally, a messaging feature for user communication. Additionally, it will include a prediction page specifically related to Earth.

Initial Days

Day 1: Initiation

  • Ideation: Completed
  • Finalization of Idea: Completed
  • Research Technologies and Tools: Completed
  • Documentation of Idea and Plan: Completed

Day 2-3: Design Phase

  • Low Fidelity of Home Page: Completed
  • Low Fidelity of Login Page: Completed
  • High Fidelity: Completed
  • Research Technologies and Tools: Completed

Weekly Plan

Week 1: Design and Setup

  • Day 1-3: Design Phase - Create low-fidelity designs and high-fidelity designs for the homepage and login page. Research technologies and tools for frontend development.
  • Day 4-6: Frontend and Backend Development - Initialize React application, set up folder structure, and start developing database schema for MongoDB.

Week 2: Frontend Development

  • Day 1-3: Frontend Development - Implement high-fidelity designs for the homepage and login page. Develop user authentication and registration functionality.
  • Day 4-6: Frontend Development - Integrate interactive 3D models of celestial bodies. Implement navigation and interactive features for educational modules.

Week 3: Backend Development

  • Day 1-3: Backend Development - Set up MongoDB database and develop database schema for storing educational content, user data, and messages.
  • Day 4-6: Backend Development - Implement CRUD operations for managing educational content, user data, and messages. Develop API endpoints for frontend integration.

Week 4: Testing and Deployment

  • Day 1-3: Testing - Perform unit testing for frontend and backend components. Conduct integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between frontend and backend.
  • Day 4-6: Deployment - Deploy the project on Netlify (Frontend) and Render (Backend). Write comprehensive documentation for installation, usage, and contribution guidelines.


  • Frontend Development: React.js
  • Backend Development: Node.js with Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Deployment: Netlify (Frontend), Render (Backend)
  • Version Control: Git

Deployment Link:-


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