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  • Data Ingestion:Fully automated airlines daily_flights data ingestion from S3 to a Redshift datawarehouse,where it can be accessed and analyzed
  • Data Transformation:flights data processing and transformations with Glue ETL efficiently
  • Data Loading into Data Warehouse:Amazon Redshift to analyze exabytes of data and run complex analytical queries



Tech Stack

  • S3
  • EventBridge
  • Step Functions
  • Glue Crawler
  • Glue Visual ETL
  • Redshift
  • SNS



S3 will be recieving daily-flights data in a hive-style partition ,whenever a new .csv file uploaded then an event bridge rule gets triggered. And also load the airports.csv file into redshift dim table

Event Bridge

Below is the event bridge rule for listening to s3 flights csv file uplode and triggers the step function

  "source": ["aws.s3"],
  "detail-type": ["Object Created"],
  "detail": {
    "bucket": {
      "name": ["airline-data-landing-zn"]
    "object": {
      "key": [{
        "suffix": ".csv"

Step Function

Step function workflow for ochestrating the data load to redshift and notify the users about the success/failed status.


Visual ETL steps:

  • Crawl and get the data from data catalogue,transform it where departure-delay > 60 sec
  • Join the daily-flights data with airports dim data to get the flights fact data image


Below are the redshift cmds i used for loading data into redshift fact & dim tables.

create schema airlines;

CREATE TABLE airlines.airports_dim (
    airport_id BIGINT,
    city VARCHAR(100),
    state VARCHAR(100),
    name VARCHAR(200)

COPY airlines.airports_dim
FROM 's3://airlines-dataset-gds/airports.csv' 
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::348532040329:role/service-role/AmazonRedshift-CommandsAccessRole-20230820T081203'
REGION 'us-east-1';


CREATE TABLE airlines.daily_flights_fact (
    carrier VARCHAR(10),
    dep_airport VARCHAR(200),
    arr_airport VARCHAR(200),
    dep_city VARCHAR(100),
    arr_city VARCHAR(100),
    dep_state VARCHAR(100),
    arr_state VARCHAR(100),
    dep_delay BIGINT,
    arr_delay BIGINT

Issue Faced

  • I faced issue while crawling Redshift data for airports dim table data even though I created a JDBC connection for connecting to redshift dim table to get the airports data.But could not get it as I was facing S3 endpoint issue. then I created a S3 endpoint for my VPC to access to Redshift. this post helped me to resolve my issue,which has detailed steps crawling redshift data in AWS
  • Apart from this, open redhsift port in security group inbound rules to allow redshift port


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