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Past due by over 2 years 85% complete


Deploy v1 of aiof-portal


Development goals for specific pages


  • Add a "Last updated: 5 minutes ago" (for example) next to each assets, liabilities, goals and dependents in snapshot overview. This will also driven from the latest created or updated entity


  • (#34) Move UserfulDocumentation component from /finance page to home
  • (#35) (


Deploy v1 of aiof-portal


Development goals for specific pages


  • Add a "Last updated: 5 minutes ago" (for example) next to each assets, liabilities, goals and dependents in snapshot overview. This will also driven from the latest created or updated entity


  • (#34) Move UserfulDocumentation component from /finance page to home
  • (#35) (kamacharovs/aiof-iac#5) Update release pipeline - release.yml - in GitHub actions to restart app service. Use environments and Az CLI to restart
  • Remove Finance page (Dependent on adding the Liability page)
  • Update <SquarePaper> to just be used as such. Remove passing in variant and square props
  • Add About or About us page. This information can be transferred from our Business Plan v1
  • (#36) Add developer page
    • This is where all API information will be showed
    • For example, <iframe> (potentially use react-iframe) of all the ReDoc's of the API's. Display an overview of the API's versions, license, etc. This can be achieved by reading some common data from API's OpenAPI specs ( for aiof-asset)
  • Add an Admin page
    This would be a page only shown for users with the Admin role. This could include useful functionalities such as soft deleting a user, looking up users, general analytics, etc.


  • TBD


  • Page to add, edit and update your liabilities. Similar to Assets


  • TBD

Stretch goals

  • TBD