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Model-Based Calibration and Scoring for Oral Reading Fluency Assessment Data with R

orfr is an R package that allows model-based calibration and scoring for oral reading fluency (ORF) assessment data.


To install orf package, follow the steps below.

  1. The MultiGHQuad package needs to be installed. As of May 31, 2022, MultiGHQuad package has been removed from CRAN, so download an archive package file from and manually install.

  2. Install remotes package, by running the following R code.

if(!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes")
  1. Install orfr by running the following R code.

Basic Usage:

It is recommended that the data are prepared as a long-format data frame, where each row is data for a unique case, namely, a specific passage from a specific student in a specific testing occasion. The data set should minimally contain the following 7 variables: (1) student ID, (2) grade level, (3) testing occasion ID, (4) passage ID, (5) the number of words in the passage, (6) the number of words correctly read for the passage, and (7) time that took to read the passage.

Variable names and the order of the variables can be flexible in the data frame. When running functions in this package, variable names for required variables need to be specified.

The orfr package comes with several data sets. To demonstrate some basic usage of key functions in the package, an example passage-level student data set passage2 is used here. The data set passage2 is consisted of reading accuracy and time data for 12 passages from 85 students. Although the 85 students were assigned to all 12 passages, the number of passages read by the 85 students varied from 2 to 12 passages. The number of students per passage were between 59 to 79.

Load required packages, and load/view the example data set passage2.


Passage Calibration

Calibrate the passages using the mcem() function by implementing the Monte Carlo EM algorithm described in Potgieter et al. (2017).

MCEM_run <- mcem(,
                 studentid = "id.student",
                 passageid = "id.passage",
                 numwords.p = "numwords.pass",
                 wrc = "wrc",
                 time = "sec",
        = 5,
        = 50,
                 est = "mcem")

By default, the standard errors for the model parameters are not estimated. This will allow one to increase the number of Monte-Carlo iterations to improve the quality of the model parameter estimates, while minimizing the computation time. The number of should be 50 to 100 in realistic calibrations. SE’s for model parameters are not required for running the wcpm() function to estimate WCPM scores in the next step. If standard errors for model parameters are desired, an additional argument se = "analytical" or se = "bootstrap" needs to be added to the mcem() function.

Estimating WCPM scores 1

To estimate WCPM scores, we can do in two steps.

Step 1: Prepare the data using the prep() function, where required data for the wcpm() function are prepared, including changing variable names and a generation of the natural-logarithm of the time data.

The output from the prep() function is a list of two components. The data.long component is a data frame, which is a long format of student response data, and the data.wide is list that contains four components, including a wide format of the data, as well as other information such as the number of passages and the number of words for each passage.

One benefit of this two-step approach is that we can use another utility function get.cases() to generate a list of unique cases with the output of the prep() function. This list can be useful when our interest is to estimate WCPM scores only for selected cases.

data <- prep(data = passage2,
             studentid = "id.student",
             season = "occasion",
             grade = "grade",
             passageid = "id.passage",
             numwords.p = "numwords.pass",
             wrc = "wrc",
             time = "sec")

Generate a list of unique cases:


Step 2: Run the wcpm() function to estimate WCPM scores. Note that we pass the output object MCEM_run from the passage calibration phase, as well as the manipulated data data.long from Step 1. By default, WCPM scores will be estimated for all cases in the data. Additionally, there are several estimator options and standard error estimation options. In this example, maximum a priori (MAP) estimators for model parameter estimation and analytic approach to estimate standard errors are used.

WCPM_all <- wcpm(, 
        = data$data.long,
                 est = "map", 
                 se = "analytic")

If the computations of WCPM scores for only selected cases are desired, we can create a list of cases and provide the list by the cases = argument. The list of cases has to be a one-variable data frame with a variable name cases. The format of case values should be: studentid_season, just like the output of the get.cases() function shown earlier in this document.

sample.cases <- data.frame(cases = c("2033_fall", "2043_fall", "2089_fall"))
WCPM_sample <- wcpm(, 
           = data$data.long,
                    cases = sample.cases,
                    est = "map", 
                    se = "analytic")

Also, we can specify a set of passages to scale the WCPM scores. If WCPM scores are scaled with a set of passages that is different from the set of passages the student read, the set of passages is referred to as an external passage set.

The use of an external passage set is particularly important to make the estimated WCPM scores to be comparable between students who read different sets of passages, as well as within students for longitudinal data, where a student are likely to read different sets of passages.

WCPM_sample_ext1 <- wcpm(, 
                = data$data.long,
                         cases = sample.cases, 
                         external = c("32004","32010","32015","32016","33003","33037"),
                         est = "map", 
                         se = "analytic")

Estimating WCPM scores 2

Alternatively, we can run the wcpm() function without Step 1 above, by entering the original data passage2 directly as follows.

WCPM_sample_ext2 <- wcpm(, 
                = passage2,
                         studentid = "id.student",
                         passageid = "id.passage",
                         season = "occasion",
                         grade = "grade",
                         numwords.p = "numwords.pass",
                         wrc = "wrc",
                         time = "sec",
                         cases = sample.cases, 
                         external = c("32004","32010","32015","32016","33003","33037"),
                         est = "map", 
                         se = "analytic")

Please see the package website for more detailed usage of the package.


Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) 2022 The ORF Project Team

The orfr package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

The orfr package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package. If not, see


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