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Known Issues

Kameron Brooks edited this page Aug 17, 2019 · 1 revision
  • Not always easy to debug

    The engine, is not always the best at reporting where an error is and what the error is. This is a known issue, going forward, there will be a lot of effort put into making the scripts easier to debug and finding errors. The only way to make the scripts easier to debug will be by inserting more metadata into each statement that can be more easily traced at execution time. This of course makes things slower, that is why I did not do it in the first place. A solution will be found.

  • Not super fast

    CCL is still very slow compared to C#, I want to make it as fast as possible. There will be ongoing efforts to make every part of this engine as fast as possible without having to sacrifice flexibility.

  • No recursion support

    CCL Functions cannot call themselves at this current time, and that bothers me deeply. I will be working toward a solution in the near future.

  • Overloaded Functions (This works now!)

    This is also a fact that disturbs me to my core, at this moment, the engine cannot handle an overloaded function. I know.. trust me, it kills me inside. If a method has multiple signatures, and you try to use it in a ccl script, you will most-likely get an ambiguous argument error. This is a top priority issue at the moment