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Yet another WeChat toolkit in generator style.


npm install --save co-wx


A connect style request body parser, checks signature of message and parses WeChat message body to req.body;

var WxParser = require('co-wx/parser');

app.all('/robot', WxParser('<signature-token>'), function (req, res, next) {
  var msgType = req.body['MsgType'];
  switch (msgType) {
    case 'event':
      var eventType = req.body['Event']; // => [ 'subscribe' | 'SCAN' | 'LOCATION' | 'CLICK' | 'VIEW' | 'unsubscribe' ]
      // ...
      return res.reply({
        MsgType: 'text',
        Content: 'No comment'
    case 'text':
      // ...
  return res.status(200).send(); // Stuffy sound made big money o-o

Use res.reply will reply a xml document described as official documentation. FromUserName and ToUserName in the reply object defaults to the value of ToUserName and FromUserName from the incoming message. And a CreateTime record will be generated automatically in the xml document.

Platform API

var WxAPIProvider = require('co-wx/api');

var wxApi = new WxAPIProvider({
  appId: '<your-app-id>',
  secret: '<and-the-secret>'

Retrieve information of specific subscriber

var co = require('co');

co(function* () {
  var subscriberInfo = yield wxApi.getSubscriberInfo('<open-id>');
  // => { openId, unionId, nickname, gender, photo, country, province, city, lang }
.then(function () { /* ... */ });

Use with a co-router

var Router = require('co-router');

var router = Router();

router.get('/user/:openId', function* (req, res, next) {
  return res.status(200).send(yield wxApi.getSubscriberInfo(req.params.openId));

app.use('/some-prefix', router);

Sending a service template message to subscriber

yield wxApi.sendTemplateMessageToSubscriber('<template-id>', openId, url, {
  /* template data */

Create a temporary scene based QRCode

var ticket = yield wxApi.createTemporaryQrCode(sceneId, expiresIn);

expiresIn parameter is optional and defaults to maximum value of 7 days. returns a ticket object contains QRCode ticket and url data.

JSSDK parameter API for wx.config (use co-router)

router.get('/config', function* (req, res, next) {
  return res.status(200).send(yield req.wx.getJsApiConfig(req.query.url || req.get('Referer')));


Start with DEBUG variable set to wx:* should turn on debug output of the module.

DEBUG=wx:* npm start


  • Basic message handling
  • Support AES message security mode
  • Support customer service account interface
  • Support service template message
  • Message broadcast
  • Media management
  • Menu management
  • Subscriber group/tag management
  • Support OAuth 2.0
  • Generate scene based QRCode
  • Generate JS-SDK config
  • URL shortener
  • Statistics API
  • Koa-compatible middleware
  • ...


The module is developed and used in some of my personal works. I may not implement a full set of APIs described in WeChat documentation. Feel free to open an issue for any feature request or contribution. I'll pick them up in my spare time :-)


(The MIT License)


WeChat server develop toolkit, with generator functions






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