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Releases: kandabi/OpenFTP

Third release, mainly bug fixes.

05 Apr 16:28
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A simple file sharing program, written in c++ and Qt.
New features include support for OpenSSL, enabling secure connections between the server and the clients.
Loading user created themes! just create your own stylesheet and place it in OpenFTP Client/plugins/styles,
and plenty of smaller changes and bug fixes, check out commits page for a full changelog.

To set up the server on your local computer -
Run OpenFTP Server.exe,
Select the folder to act as the server's directory.
Set up username and account to grant permissions.
Select a port, and click "Start Server"
the server will now listen to any incoming connections.

To connect to the server using the client -
Run OpenFTP Client.exe,
enter the server's address, port, username and password selected.
Connection should hopefully establish.

Please submit any feedback or issues! :)

Second release

03 Apr 17:39
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A simple file sharing program, written in c++ and Qt.

New features include support for OpenSSL, enabling secure connections between the server and the clients.
Loading user created themes! just create your own stylesheet and place it in OpenFTP Client/plugins/styles,
and plenty of smaller changes and bug fixes, check out commits page for a full changelog.

To set up the server on your local computer -

Run OpenFTP Server.exe,
Select the folder to act as the server's directory.
Set up username and account to grant permissions.
Select a port, and click "Start Server"
the server will now listen to any incoming connections.

To connect to the server using the client -

Run OpenFTP Client.exe,
enter the server's address, port, username and password selected.
Connection should hopefully establish.

Please submit any feedback or issues! :)

First release

20 Mar 15:53
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A simple file sharing program, written in c++ and Qt.

To set up the server on your local computer -

  • Run OpenFTP Server.exe, choose the folder you wish to send and recieve files from,
  • select a username and a password.
  • Done!

To connect to the server using the client -

  • Run OpenFTP Client.exe,
  • enter the server's address, port, username and password selected.
  • Connection should be established.

First major release, meant to gather feedback and test for any issues.
Does not yet support OpenSSL, so take care sending any sensitive data across unsecure networks!
osx and linux not yet supported, currently only tested on windows 7, 8.1 and 10.