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Matej Pacan edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 8 revisions


This page covers the configuration of settings.yml. You can also view the default settings by opening Boss.jar file and viewing the setting files from there. Keep in mind you can't edit them inside your .jar file.

Use UTF-8 encoding. Notepad and Wordpad on Windows is broken. Use Notepad++ while on Windows, or Atom for Windows, Mac and other platforms.

Folder structure

After the installation, your Boss folder should look like this:

Boss Folder

  • bosses/ - A folder containing individual settings for each Boss.

  • localization/ - A folder with the message file you can edit to design the plugin to your needs.

  • locations/ - A folder with locations you create with /boss tools.

  • regions/ - A folder with regions you create through /boss tools.

  • spawnrules/ - A folder with different spawn rules. Do not edit, this is managed through GUI.

  • data.db - Internal database file. This is a machine-generated file, please do not modify.

  • settings.yml - The main configuration file.

Automatic Update

Boss updates your configuration automatically and seamlessly. When you update to a new version, all of your configs will get updated automatically.


This is the main configuration of Boss. Below you will find the default settings file.

# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
#                       Welcome to the main configuration of Boss
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
#    This is the main plugin's settings class. You can use SimpleSettings to load values from it,
#    and update it automatically.
#    For support and documentation, please visit:
#    -
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
#    1) COLOR CODES are supported with the '&' character.
#       - For usage, see
#       - When you use them, place quotes around the message like this: "Hello &cworld."
#       - To use HEX colors, use #123456 syntax: "Hello #123456world."
#    2) TO HIDE any message, set it to 'none'.
#    3) For UNICODE CHARACTERS (smileys, symbols, ..), save the file in UTF-8 encoding. See
#       -
#    4) JSON is supported.
#       - For usage, see
#    5) WHITELISTS can be turned into blacklists, by putting "@blacklist" on the first line.
#       - Doing such, filters will only apply for messages in those lists.
#    PS: Everything above applies for all files in Boss/ folder.
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings for Boss spawning.
# [TIP] Set the Debug key below to ["spawning"] to learn why your Bosses are / are not spawning.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Spawn on right clicking the air?
  # Bosses will be spawned at the Max_Distance's blocks away from the player in the air!
  Air_Spawn: true
  # How farthest away from the player to spawn when they right click a Boss egg?
  # Higher than 50 blocks distances can lag the server since it must load lots of chunks!
  Air_Spawn_Max_Distance: 30
  # What events should activate the Replace Vanilla spawn rule? See
  - 'EGG'
  - 'TRAP'
  - 'RAID'
  - 'PATROL'

  # Should we prevent vanilla mob from appearing if the Replace Vanilla spawn rule fails? A rule
  # can typically fail due to limits or conditions, so you can prevent more mobs from spawning.
  Cancel_Vanilla_If_Replace_Fails: false

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tweak Boss fights.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # When you hit Boss who's already attacking someone else, enter the chance that it'll chase you.
  Retarget_Chance: 0%
  # When player attacks Boss or Boss attacks player, select abilities for player we disable.
  - 'FLIGHT'
  - 'GOD_MODE'
  # Configure the action bar showing when you attack a Boss.
    # Show the action bar with fight information when you damage a Boss?
    Enabled: true
    # Customize the format, using the following variables:
    # {damage}, {world}, {x}, {y}, {z}, {player}
    Format: '&4{damage} dmg &8| &7{boss_alias}'
    # Customize the prefix and suffix
    Prefix: '&8['
    Suffix: '&8]'
    # Edit colors on the action bar for different Boss properties.

      # The remaining Boss health.
      Remaining: DARK_RED

      # Total Boss health he had at spawn.
      Total: GRAY
      # Color to indicate your hit has killed the Boss.
      Dead: BLACK

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings related to a Boss tragic death.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # If true, we run commands for players who dealt the most damage to boss as the server
  # console. False means we run the command from the console to the player.
  Run_PvP_Commands_As_Console: true

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Completely prevent any and all vanilla mobs to spawn. Useful for minigame worlds
# or servers where you only want Bosses to appaer.
# *WARNING* This completely prevents any mobs from spawning naturally,
#           including mobs from mob spawners etc. It's basically like a mob blocker plugin.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Enable this feature?
  Enabled: false
  # Spawn reasons to prevent spawning, see 
  - 'CURED'
  # Prevent the following mobs from spawning (applies to Prevent_From causes above)
  # Set to ["*"] to prevent all entities, or specific their names, see 
  - '*'
  # List of worlds where to apply this limitation. Leave on * to apply on all worlds.
  - '*'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable this before you want to create regions with "/b region". Then disable this for maximum
# performance. Leaving this on will make plugin check every online player's click and compare
# it to determine if he clicked with our tool, which has a performance penaulty.
# Your regions will continue to function with this option disabled.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Register_Tools: false

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The formats used in the {timestamp} and {location} variables.
# To get help with your timestamp, do a Google search for "Java timestamp format".
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timestamp_Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
Location_Format: '{world} [{x}, {y}, {z}]'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# What commands should trigger the main plugin command group?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'boss'
- 'b'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# What language should we use for messages? If it exists, the language file will be copied 
# to your messages/ folder where you can edit it.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Locale: en

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The prefix used in front of most chat or console messages. You can manually use it with
# {plugin_prefix} variable anywhere.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prefix: '&4Boss &8// &7'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Time of some plugin's operations is measured. You can also use the LagCatcher class to invoke
# this feature. We log a console message if an operation takes over the time below (milliseconds). 
# Set to -1 to disable.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Log_Lag_Over_Milis: 100

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List of section names that will print informative messages about their features.
# The Debugger class utilizes this key and will only print messages for sections enabled below.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debug: []

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not change this value, otherwise it will corrupt your plugin installation!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version: 10