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Alternative Messages

Matej Pacan edited this page Nov 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

In additional to sending messages to chat in the typical boring way, we offer numerous possibilities to spice things up and give your server a fresh breath!

The following information mostly applies to localization/messages_en.yml, but you'll also find it working many other places where you send messages, throughout the plugin.


Multiline Messages

In your localization file, you can turn any message into a list to send it over multiple lines:


Outside of localization file, and for those places where this does not work, you can use the \n operator, or this syntax:


In Messages, you can use a syntax like that:


Centering Messages With <center>

Many places you can simply put <center> in front of a message to make it automatically centered. Make sure to surround the message with "" or '' quotes:


Sending Messages With <actionbar>, <toast>, <title> and <bossbar>

You can also prefix your messages using one of the prefixes above to send it through the following means:

  • Action Bar (MC 1.8.8+)
  • Boss Bar (MC 1.9+)
  • Toast (MC 1.12+)
  • Title (MC 1.7.10+) - to send title and subtitle, split the message with "|"

Image Message

Currently, if you drop png or jpg images to your images/ folder in ChatControl, you can show them using "/chc announce image" command. Combining this with the | letter to make multiline message, you can end up with excellent messages like these:



Finally, for the geeks out there, you can start a message with [JSON] to send raw json code to the player. See JSON for how it's done.