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Water bucket challenge

Build an application that solves the Water Jug Riddle for dynamic inputs (X, Y, Z).

The simulation should have a UI to display state changes for each state for each jug (Empty, Full or Partially Full).

You have an X-gallon and a Y-gallon jug that you can fill from a lake. (Assume lake has unlimited amount of water.) By using only an X-gallon and Y-gallon jug (no third jug), measure Z gallons of water.

To find solution run this service and check swagger ui here


to build an app just do make build

binary is stored in ./bin directory

Run tests

make test

also linter available with make lint

Run with docker compose

make run-docker-compose


  • http public port (configurable, e.g. 8000)
  • http debug port (configurable, e.g. 8001) (for metrics/debug/swagger/health-checks/etc)
  • graceful shutdown (configurable timeout)
  • metrics support
  • tracing support (sends span to jaeger-agent, logs trace id)


  • serves swagger ui on debug port http://localhost:8001/swagger/
  • serves swagger.json on debug port http://localhost:8001/swagger/doc.json


  • serves prometheus metrics on debug port http://localhost:8001/metrics
  • standard go runtime metrics
  • http handler metrics
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_count{code="Bad Request",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service=""} 1
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service="",le="300"} 4
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service="",le="1200"} 4
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service="",le="5000"} 4
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service="",le="+Inf"} 4
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_sum{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service=""} 19.034916000000003
chi_request_duration_milliseconds_count{code="OK",method="POST",path="/v1/search-solution",service=""} 4


to check tracing spans visit jaeger ui here