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kansasdev edited this page May 26, 2019 · 1 revision

Installing prerequistes



Install Python as custom installation and change default installation directory to, for example, c:\python3.7. Tick installer to add python environment to Windows path. Python path has to be on system properties, no user path is allowed. This is why we need custom python installation Check if Python directory and Python\Scripts directory are in system path.


  • install tesseract-ocr for character recognition. I have been using this page for tesseract installer: set path for tesseract in system properties (no user path is allowed)

  • install PassportEye Python module - pip install passporteye

don't forget to restart your pc after setting path

check your prerequisite installation running cmd and typing:

  1. java
  2. mrz if there is no "not found" exception, everything is fine

Installing PassportService

Now, after huge number of prerequisite steps you are ready to install PassportService as part of PassportApp. During installation, you have to provide smartcard reader name - you have to try choose good one. Readers name are visible in:

  1. Control Panel/Device Manager and smart cards
  2. During installation you may provide some fake value for smart card name or use default and then, after installation type in command line: (execute in PassportService installation directory - default c:\Program Files (x86)\kansasdev\PassportService) - "java -jar mrtd.jar -doc:xyz -dob:123 -val:456". System will list all your readers, one of these readers is your device. You can put correct name to file.

Before using frontend program, you have to run PassportService as administrator. DON'T BE AFRAID I am not sending any data outside your PC.

Installing DocReader

Now you are ready to install DocReader app - just few steps left.

  • Trust DocReader.cer - right click on it and select Install, then choose Local Machine and Trusted Root Certificates Authority.You will be prompted to confirm this step.
  • Right click on "Add-AppDevPackage.ps1" and choose "Run with Powershell" script to install it. Minimum Windows 10 required version is 1803.
  • If you are not running PassportApp from Visual Studio, you have to add DocReader to loopback exemption - you have to execute following command: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=A4F765E6-8F98-411C-A803-7BFF72719A2E_e3xj8qnnk1g5j If you want to rebuild my app, you can take Package Family Name from Properties, package manifest button and Packaging tab. This feature is needed, just because PassportService is an localhost service, no remote service

Using DocReader

Now you are ready to use application

  1. Run as administrator PassportService
  2. Run DocReader from Windows menu
  3. Click Camera and put passport in front of camera - TRY to fit MRZ below yellow line and click button to take a photo. There is also auto capture feature, but it doesn't work very well
  4. After taking photo, you will be redirected to main doc page.
  5. try to OCR it - OCR is not perfect, fix potential bugs - there are also some indicators which show you if data are ok. You need correct document number, date of birth and date of expiry.
  6. You don't have to to do OCR - you may also above data manually.
  7. Click Do RFID button - after that, you have only 5 seconds for putting document on a smart card reader.
  8. During reading process, you will be redirected to corresponding tab


REMEMBER - THIS software is delivered "as-is" - I am not giving you any warranty on this and I am not take responsibility for any answers you will receive while using this software