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various methods to parse pages from thingiverse
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kanzure committed Mar 29, 2010
1 parent 47de2e4 commit c44663d
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions clients/
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,182 @@
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import pycurl
from StringIO import StringIO
from string import join
import yaml

#sudo apt-get install python-pip; pip install -e git+git://
import optfunc

def download_thingiverse_partial(start=0, end=434):
'''creates a backup from thing:434 to thing:2073'''

if not os.path.exists("thingiverse_data"): os.mkdir("thingiverse_data")

for current in range(start, end):
os.system("cd thingiverse_data; wget --output-document \"%s\"" % (str(current), str(current)))

def title_fixer(messy_title):

to_space = ["[", "]", "...", " | ", ". ", "!", "<", ">", "&", ";", ":-)", ":)", "(", ")", "/", "...", " ", "?"]
to_blank = ["$", "'"]
to_dash = [" - ", " ", "--", u"\xe3\x80\x80"]

if type(messy_title) == unicode: messy_title = messy_title.encode('ascii', 'replace')

for char in to_space:
messy_title = messy_title.replace(char, " ")

for char in to_blank:
messy_title = messy_title.replace(char, "")

for char in to_dash:
messy_title = messy_title.replace(char, "-")

#replace some bad characters

if messy_title.count(",") > 0:
messy_title = messy_title.split(",")[0]

if messy_title[-1] == "-": messy_title = messy_title[:-1]
if messy_title[0] == "-": messy_title = messy_title[1:]
if messy_title[-1] == ".": messy_title = messy_title[:-1]

return messy_title.lower()

#keep track of which unix names are already taken
thingiverse_thing_names = []

def extract_image_links(html, http=False):
'''finds all links to /image: stuff. set http to 'true' if you want the full link'''
relevant_links = []
all_links = html.findAll(name="a")
for link in all_links:
for arg in link.attrs:
if arg[0] == "href":
if arg[1][0:7] == "/image:": relevant_links.append(arg[1])
return relevant_links

def extract_images(html):
'''finds all thumbnail images'''
relevant_images = []
all_images = html.findAll(name="img")
for image in all_images:
for arg in image.attrs:
if arg[0] == "src":
if "renders" in arg[1]: relevant_images.append(arg[1])
return relevant_images

def extract_h2(html, name):

desc = html.findAll(name="h2", text=name)
if len(desc) == 0: return ""

desc = desc[0].parent

guh = []
for each in desc.nextSibling.nextSibling.contents:

actual_description = join(guh).strip()
return actual_description

def extract_license(html):
license_link = html.findAll(name="a", attrs={"rel": "license"})[0]
license_link = license_link.attrs[1][1] #value of "href"
return license_link

def extract_description(html): return extract_h2(html, "Description")
def extract_instructions(html): return extract_h2(html, "Instructions")
def extract_files(soup):
files = []
h3s = soup.findAll(attrs={"class": "file_info"})
for h3 in h3s:
filename = h3.contents[0].strip()
link = h3.parent.parent.findAll(name="a")[0].attrs[0][1]
stats = h3.parent.contents[2].strip().split("/")

messy_downloads = stats[1]
downloads = ''.join([letter for letter in messy_downloads if letter.isdigit()])

messy_size = stats[0]
size = ''.join([letter for letter in messy_size if letter.isdigit()])
if "MB" in messy_size:
size = size + " MB"
if "kb" in messy_size:
size = size + " kb"

files.append({"filename": filename, "link": link, "size": size, "downloads": downloads})
return files

def process_thing(thing_id):
file_handler = open("thingiverse_data/" + str(thing_id))
original_html =

html = BeautifulSoup(original_html)
messy_title, messy_author = html.findAll(attrs={"id": "pageTitle"})[0].contents

#fix up the title a bit
messy_title = messy_title[:-4] #get rid of the " by " at the end
unix_name = title_fixer(messy_title)

#make sure the name isn't already used
#also a cheap hack to fix the name in those awkward situations
if unix_name in thingiverse_thing_names:
current = 0
while unix_name in thingiverse_thing_names:
unix_name = unix_name + str(current)
current = current + 1

#make sure nothing else uses this name

#get the author deets
author = messy_author.contents[0]

image_links = extract_image_links(html)
image_thumbnails = extract_images(html)
description = extract_description(html)
instructions = extract_instructions(html)
license = extract_license(html)
files = extract_files(html) #a list of filenames and the link

#TODO: discussion

#print "unix_name: ", unix_name
#print "author: ", author
#print "image_links: ", image_links
#print "image_thumbnails: ", image_thumbnails
#if description and not description == "": print "description: ", description
#if instructions and not instructions == "": print "instructions: ", instructions
#print "files: ", files

if not os.path.exists("thingiverse_packages/" + str(unix_name)): os.mkdir("thingiverse_packages/" + str(unix_name))

metadata = {"name": str(unix_name).encode("ascii", "replace"), "author": str(author).encode('ascii', 'replace'), "urls": ["" + str(thing_id)], "image_links": image_links, "image_thumbnails": image_thumbnails, "description": str(description).encode("ascii", "replace"), "files": files, "license": str(license)}
#metadata = {"author": author}
output = yaml.dump(metadata).encode("ascii", "replace")

file_handle = open("thingiverse_packages/" + str(unix_name) + "/metadata.yaml", "w")

#download the files
for file in files:
link = file["link"]
os.system("cd thingiverse_packages/" + str(unix_name) + "/; wget" + str(link) +";")

def tester():
#just process one for now

for each in os.listdir("thingiverse_data"):
print "each: ", each
except: pass

def thingiverse_get(thing_id):
files = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,3 +231,5 @@ def thingiverse_get(thing_id):

if __name__ == "__main__":

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