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Library and command line for scanning a source path and sub directories and adding or setting the Swagger OpenAPI annotations for Spring Data REST

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Library and command line for scanning a source path and sub directories and adding or setting the Swagger OpenAPI io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation annotation for Spring Data REST.


The library in its current state was created for setting the Operation documentation of Spring Data REST.

  • Support for standard, POST, POUT, DELETE, PATCH, QueryDSL and standard PagingAndSortingRepository findAll methods
  • PUT can be disabled with the flag disablePUT


  • Only collection and item method resources are considered.
  • Domain models must be classes. No interfaces are supported. Only fields will be inspected.
  • No inner classes and inner enums are supported.
  • The resolution of class names only works if no wild card imports are used.
  • If own intermediate repository interfaces (e.g. for adding some default annotations) are used with generics, the domain class must be the first type parameter.
  • The method T update(T entity) is a reserved name in custom repositories.
  • To override methods in repositories a concrete type must be used, e.g to overwrite <S extends T> S save(S entity) User save(User entity)must be used.


Spring Data REST does not use JAX-RS annotations but scans the offered repository interface methods using a naming convention for the method semantics. This semantics are also used by this library.

NOTE: The library will remove its own added methods and annotations as preparation. This should work flawlessly but keep a backup if this fails in some situations.

Source Code Preparation

  • Apply the Spring REST @RepositoryRestResource and @Resource annotations to the repository interfaces to set the exported and path property. This will be honored by this library.
  • To get non default Javadoc comments for the methods override the implementations in the concrete implementation
    • The Operation summary is using the first part of the comment.
    • The Operation description is using any text after a paragraph <p>
    • @param tags are used for the @Parameter description.
  • Mark overridden methods from the CrudRepository, PagingAndSortingRepository and QuerydslPredicateExecutor with @RestResource, otherwise they will be removed in the next run
  • findById, findAll, deleteById, the create and the update method are using default descriptions if not explicitly defined.
  • Because PUT for updates and POST for creations are using both the save method an additional marker method is added for the PUT call. An T update(T entity) method is added to a custom repository interface, which is created if it does not exists yet. Some applies for PATCH calls.
  • Custom repositories can use arbitrary method namings. Also the returned content and HTTP method cannot be determined. All Operation and JAX-RS annotations must be manually added.
  • Add a proprietary Searchable and Sortable annotations to define the sort and search parameters and pass this as searchableAnnotation and sortableAnnotation:
public @interface Sortable {

    String[] value();

public @interface Searchable {

    String[] value();


Library Execution

  • Pass the source path with excludes and includes to the library or the Main class
    • NOTE: The exclude and include options are using a glob expression. Take note that to use a wild card over path separators two asterisks have to be used.


Enricher enricher = new Enricher(buildPath(User.class.getPackage().getName()),
            Collections.singleton("**"), Collections.singleton("**.bak"), false, null, null);



Deployment + Release


For Snapshots

mvn clean deploy

For Releases

mvn release:clean release:prepare
mvn release:perform

Release the deployment using Nexus See Or alternatively do it with Maven:

cd target/checkout
mvn nexus-staging:release


Library and command line for scanning a source path and sub directories and adding or setting the Swagger OpenAPI annotations for Spring Data REST






