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This is the MCS for the first lithuanian satellite "Lituanica SAT-1".



Build everyging:

sudo apt-get install gcc make g++ libpam0g-dev
make deps

Generate a release and install it:

make release
cp -r rel/ls1mcs ~/


For testing purposes, without building a release:

rm -rf temp
mkdir -p temp/data/mnesia/db temp/data/yaws/www temp/data/gpredict
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-void_link     -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # No radio connection, all commands to log
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-file_link     -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # No radio connection, all commands to file
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-smodem-rs232  -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # Connection via soundmodem
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-smodem-agwpe  -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # Connection via soundmodem
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-wa8ded_hm     -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # Connection via TNC2H-DK9SJ WA8DED Hostmode
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-tapr_kiss     -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # Connection via TNC2H-DK9SJ TAPR KISS mode
env ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin/ -config priv/test-mfj1270c_kiss -eval 'ls1mcs_utl_test:start().' # Connection via MFJ-1270C using KISS mode

Now you should be able to access web ui. To send some command via the communication link, run the following in the erlang shell:

HMName = {n, l, ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm}, HMRef = ls1mcs_protocol:make_ref(ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm, HMName).
TKName = {n, l, ls1mcs_tnc_tapr_kiss}, TKRef = ls1mcs_protocol:make_ref(ls1mcs_tnc_tapr_kiss, TKName).
KSName = {n, l, ls1mcs_proto_kiss},    KSRef = ls1mcs_protocol:make_ref(ls1mcs_proto_kiss, KSName).
AXName = {n, l, ls1mcs_proto_ax25},    AXRef = ls1mcs_protocol:make_ref(ls1mcs_proto_ax25, AXName).
LSName = {n, l, ls1mcs_proto_ls1p},    LSRef = ls1mcs_protocol:make_ref(ls1mcs_proto_ls1p, LSName).
ls1mcs_protocol:send(HMRef, <<"labas">>).                 % HostMode: over AX25
ls1mcs_protocol:send(KSRef, <<"labas">>).                 % KissMode: over KISS
ls1mcs_protocol:send(AXRef, <<"labas">>).                 % KissMode: over AX25
ls1mcs_protocol:send(LSRef, #ls1p_cmd_frame{dest_addr = arm, dest_port = cmd_log, ack = false, cref = 1259, delay = 0, data = <<2:16, 27:16>>}).
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"@D">>).    % Show half (0) / full (1) duplex mode
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"@D 1">>).  % Full duplex ON
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"@B">>).    % Show free memory
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"K">>).     % Show date
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"L">>).     % Show channel
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"H">>).     % Show heard list
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"M">>).     % Show monitoring filter?
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"M U">>).   % Set monitoring mode for UI.
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"E">>).     % Show echo status
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"E 0">>).   % Echo OFF
ls1mcs_tnc_wa8ded_hm:invoke(HMName, <<"QRES">>).  % RESET

lager:set_loglevel(lager_console_backend, warning).

ls1mcs_store:add_ls1p_frame(#ls1p_tm_frame{data = <<0:(233*8)>>}, <<2#11100100:8, 0:(233*8)>>, erlang:now()).

{ok, FrameId} = ls1mcs_utl_test:send_photo_data(200, 0, 50000).
ls1mcs_utl_test:load_photo(FrameId, 200, 0, 50000, "test/data/photo.jpg").
% See http://localhost:8000/ls1mcs/api/ls1p_frame/0_7/photo

ls1mcs_utl_test:load_photo_frames("temp-photo/20130727210211.log", 200, LSRef).

Test using user commands:

ls1mcs_usr_cmd:issue(#usr_cmd{spec = ping}).
ls1mcs_usr_cmd:issue(#usr_cmd{spec = job_period, args = [#usr_cmd_arg{name = jobid, value = <<"0">>}, #usr_cmd_arg{name = interval, value = <<"5">>}]}).
ls1mcs_usr_cmd:issue(#usr_cmd{spec = take_photo, args = [#usr_cmd_arg{name = resid, value = <<"0">>}, #usr_cmd_arg{name = delay, value = <<"0">>}]}).
ls1mcs_usr_cmd:issue(#usr_cmd{spec = photo_data, args = [#usr_cmd_arg{name = blksz, value = <<"100">>}, #usr_cmd_arg{name = from, value = <<"0">>}, #usr_cmd_arg{name = till, value = <<"10">>}]}).

Sending tele-commands

Bytes received from He100 using rp(ls1mcs_utl_uart_logger:recv(true)).:

ls1mcs_protocol:send(LSRef, #ls1p_cmd_frame{dest_addr = arm, dest_port = ping, ack = false, cref = 1259, delay = 0, data = <<>>}).
%% {ok, <<72,101,32,4,0,23,59,163,134,162,64,64,64,64,224,152,178,100,138,156,64,97,3,240,0,4,235,0,0,53,208,125,141,72,101,32,4,255,255,34,137>>}
%% See `test/data/test_he100_recv_ls1p_arm_ping.dat`.

ls1mcs_protocol:send(LSRef, #ls1p_cmd_frame{dest_addr = arduino, dest_port = take_photo, ack = true, cref = 1260, delay = 30, data = <<0:16>>}).
%% {ok, <<72,101,32,4,0,25,61,165,134,162,64,64,64,64,224,152,178,100,138,156,64,97,3,240,33,4,236,0,30,0,0,212,72,218,155,72,101,32,4,255,255,34,137>>}
%% See `test/data/test_he100_recv_ls1p_arduino_take_photo.dat`.

ls1mcs_protocol:send(LSRef, #ls1p_cmd_frame{dest_addr = arduino, dest_port = photo_meta, ack = false, cref = 1261, delay = 0, data = <<>>}).
%% {ok, <<72,101,32,4,0,23,59,163,134,162,64,64,64,64,224,152,178,100,138,156,64,97,3,240,34,4,237,0,0,245,112,1,165>>}
%% See `test/data/test_he100_recv_ls1p_arduino_photo_meta.dat`.

%% TODO: The following is outdated.
ls1mcs_protocol:send(LSRef, #ls1p_cmd_frame{dest_addr = arduino, dest_port = photo_data, ack = false, cref = 1262, delay = 0, data = <<0:16, 78:16>>}).
%% {ok, <<72,101,32,4,0,27,63,167,134,162,64,64,64,64,224,152,178,100,138,156,64,97,3,240,36,4,238,0,0,0,0,0,78,113,194,44,196>>}
%% See `test/data/test_he100_recv_ls1p_arduino_photo_data.dat`


POST http://localhost:8000/ls1mcs/api/command/immediate
  "spec": "ping"
  "spec": "take_photo",
  "args": [
    {"name": "resid", "value": 1},
    {"name": "delay", "value": 5}
  "spec": "photo_meta"
  "spec": "photo_data",
  "args": [
    {"name": "blksz", "value": 195},
    {"name": "from", "value": 0},
    {"name": "till", "value": 512}
  "spec": "dlnk_photo"
  "spec": "downlink",
  "args": [
    {"name": "bufid", "value": 0},
    {"name": "blksz", "value": 120},
    {"name": "from", "value": 13},
    {"name": "till", "value": 73}

Communication options


Experiment 1: 2013-07-19T18:50:00

  • TNC Pins: 101010000
  • Config: priv/test-wa8ded_hm
  • Incoming: works.
  • Outgoing: works.
  • Notes:
    • He100->GS: Command to He100 was sent using python "Sveikinimai nuo kosmonautu\!"
    • GS->He100: sent using ls1mcs_protocol:send(HMRef, <<"Linkejimai is zemes stoties.">>)., response logged with ls1mcs_utl_uart_logger:start_link("/dev/ttyUSB1"). and written to test/data/test_he100_rev_text.dat.
    • TNC: "M N" was by default.
    • TNC: "M U" needs to be invoked.
    • TNC: Echo is received when sending messages with "M U" enabled event with "E 0".
    • Team supported by a inspirational bag of Sourcream and Onion chips!




You can monitor ax25 traffix by the following command:

sudo axlisten -a -p 1

One can use the following calls for testing:

  • LY2EN - Simonas
  • LY1BWB - VU HAM Club


See using socket udp pthread broadcast sock and pthreads


galimas daiktas kad kažkokia ax25 biblioteka 'sulaužė' kernelį:

Mar 15 06:29:17 raimis-desktop kernel: [851245.416675] gen_ax25u_port[28277]: segfault at 127 ip 00539a62 sp bfc08384 error 4 in[533000+15000]

perkrovė, dabar veikia.


On 2013 03 16, at 06:39 , Karolis Petrauskas wrote:


Panašu, kad serveris ( nebepasiekiamas...


Plain RS-232

The following erlang applications were found while looking for a library allowing to access COM ports:

For the first attempt, the uart application was choosen.


env LDFLAGS=-lutil rebar compile

env ERL_LIBS=deps erl
    {ok, U} = uart:open("/dev/ttyS0", []).
    % {ok, U} = uart:open("/dev/tnt2", []). % Session one.
    % {ok, U} = uart:open("/dev/tnt3", []). % Session two.
    uart:send(U, "asd").
    uart:recv(U, 1, 1000).

sudo chmod o+rw /dev/tnt2 /dev/tnt3

Known problems:

  • Some bug in the uart application. Driver is not linked with libutil by default. As a workaround, one should compile this application as follows:
  • A lot of warnings due to missing #include <string.h>


Soundmodem is usefull for testing this software without real TNC. See Soundmodem HOWTO for more details. The following are the instructions I used to setup the soundmodem in the KISS mode (com port) on my PC. Just install the soundmodem and configure it properly:

sudo apt-get install soundmodem
sudo /usr/bin/soundmodemconfig # See config values bellow. Main: alsa, plughw:0,0, KISS

The /etc/ax25/soundmodem.conf contents are as follows (formatted here):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <configuration name="KISS">
        <chaccess txdelay="150" slottime="100" ppersist="40" fulldup="0" txtail="10"/>
        <audio type="alsa" device="plughw:0,0" halfdup="1" capturechannelmode="Mono"/>
        <ptt file="/dev/ttyS0" gpio="0" hamlib_model="" hamlib_params=""/>
        <channel name="Channel 0">
            <mod mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffenc="1"/>
            <demod mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffdec="1"/>
            <pkt mode="KISS" ifname="sm0" hwaddr="" ip="" netmask="" broadcast="" file="/dev/soundmodem0" unlink="1"/>

To start the soundmodem, run the following as a root:

# sudo soundmodem -v 999 2>&1 | grep -v rx
sudo priv/ls1mcs_snd_modem start
sudo priv/ls1mcs_snd_modem stop
sudo priv/ls1mcs_snd_modem status

To test the soundmodem, run the following:

sudo chmod og+rw /dev/soundmodem0  # Not needed if started using priv/ls1mcs_snd_modem
cat /root/aaa >> /dev/soundmodem0

Where the aaa file has one KISS frame:

hexdump -C aaa
00000000  c0 00 62 61 73 c0                                 |..bas.|


The following commands can be used to interface with the TNC manually:

  • minicom

  • cu

    cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 --nostop --parity=none L S 0 I LY2EN

    {ok, Port} = uart:open("/dev/ttyUSB0", [{baud, 9600}, {csize, 7}]). uart:send(Port, <<16#1b>>). uart:send(Port, <<27, $L, 10, 13>>).

    uart:recv(Port, 1, 1000).

    {ok, Port} = uart:open("/dev/ttyUSB0", [{baud, 9600}, {csize, 8}, {parity, none}, {mode, binary}]). uart:send(Port, <<27, "L", 13>>). %art:send(Port, <<27, "S 0", 13>>). %% Sita ivykdzius jau pradeda snypsti... uart:send(Port, <<27, "I LY2EN", 13>>). uart:send(Port, <<27, "JHOST 1", 13>>). uart:send(Port, <<192, 0, "Test message", 192>>). uart:send(Port, <<192, 0, "Test message", 192, 10, 13>>). %% %% Now the TNC seems to be in the KISS mode (giving no response to the L command). %% Being in 9600, audio loopback mode it sends all the data back to the terminal. %% When echoing data, the most significant bit in each byte seems zeroed. %% uart:recv(Port, 1, 100). uart:recv(Port, 10, 100). uart:close(Port).


stty 9600 < /dev/ttyS0 > /dev/ttyS0 (9600 is the baudrate between PC and TNC) echo -e "\033@KISS ON\r" < /dev/ttyS0 > /dev/ttyS0 kissattach etc... Script Other

According to the WA8DED manual, the host mode is not the same as KISS mode. The host mode protocol is described in the manual. Here is a working example, how to use it:

{ok, Port} = uart:open("/dev/ttyUSB0", [{baud, 9600}, {csize, 8}, {parity, none}, {mode, binary}]).
uart:send(Port, <<17, 24, 27, "JHOST 1", 13>>).
uart:send(Port, <<0, 0, 4, "Labas">>).
uart:send(Port, <<0, 1, 6, "JHOST 0">>).
uart:send(Port, <<27, "QRES", 13>>).