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Kapeta command line utility

Introduces using kapeta through command line commands.

The purpose of kap is to make it simple to automate things either locally or on servers - as well as giving people comfortable with terminals a way to quickly perform certain actions.

Install / Update:

npm i @kapeta/kap -g


kap help


npm remove @kapeta/kap -g


The tool itself is built up of a series of "commands". Each command is its own module except for a few built-in core commands.

Installing or updating commands

It uses the NPM registry to install and update commands - and to install a new command you can simply do

kap install you-npm-command-module

or the short version

kap i you-npm-command-module

Upgrading is similar - simply write:

kap upgrade you-npm-command-module


To implement a command for kap we use @kapeta/kap-command and the module must then be published as an NPM module for kap to install it

kap expects a command property in the package.json file of the command. This command property should contain the name of your command - e.g.

  "name": "@kapeta/kap-command-codegen",
  "command": "codegen",

Typically you'd want to not publish and download all the time during development. for that purpose you can navigate to the folder in which you are developing a command and run

kap link [command-name]

The optional "command-name" parameter is to override what is in the package.json file as mentioned before - or if nothing is there to specify one.

kap will then create a symlink - very similar to how npm link works - which allows it to find your local version of the command.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details