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Node app for a Docker container

This is a simple nodejs app meant for a short and sweet getting started with Docker guide at

Simple run instructions

docker run -dP karankapoor/docker-workshop:latest

Then look for the port that the container is exposing on a random port on the host. You can get the port using the command:

docker ps

Notice the port number. Docker will automatically choose and assign a port in the 32768 to 65535 range. It will be in the format>80/tcp indicating that the app is running on port 3000. Your app

Application URL: http://localhost:{port-on-your-host}/

Specifying a custom port number

docker run -d -p 30000:3000 --name my-app karankapoor/docker-workshop:latest

This will run the application container and expose it on port 30000 of the host machine.

Application URL: http://localhost:30000/

Available Methods

  • / - Serves the index.html page
  • /welcome.html - Serves the welcome.html page
  • /hello - GET endpoint that responds with a simple hello message.

Happy learning!!

To run the app on a k8s cluster

Create a deployment running this pod. You could use the image from your own docker hub repo or use mine as coded in the kubernetes yaml file. For the complete guide, see this.

# create the deployment with the pods
kubectl create -f kube/workshop-deploy.yaml

# expose the deployment as a nodeport service 
kubectl create -f kube/workshop-service.yaml

# inspect the resources you just created
kubectl get all

Bonus tip: To see a truly beautiful automatic deployment experience, create an account at; follow the steps to create an org and an environment, setup cf CLI on your machine and login on the cli using cf login, and try pushing the app you created.

cf push docker-workshop -c "node index.js"


This is a simple nodejs app meant for a short and sweet getting started with Docker guide at






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