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Setting up mac for the first time

  1. Default shell is zsh, but I like bash just because I have been using it for a long time and I am comfortable with it.

    To verify the shell, run: echo $0

    If it is bash, you are good. To change it to bash, run:

    chsh -s /bin/bash
  2. Install oh-my-bash - Follow the instructions here. My preferred theme to use is bakke.

  3. Install brew - Homebrew

    Copy this ruby script and run in your terminal -

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    After this is done, run this in your terminal. This will add homebrew to PATH

    echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. Install basic command line stuff

    brew install mysql
    brew install python3
    brew install wget
  5. Install some useful apps (Casks) -

    brew install --cask alfred
    brew install --cask amazon-chime
    brew install --cask datagrip
    brew install --cask docker
    brew install --cask fliqlo
    brew install --cask fluor
    brew install --cask google-chrome
    brew install --cask google-drive
    brew install --cask hiddenbar
    brew install --cask imageoptim
    brew install --cask intellij-idea
    brew install --cask iterm2 
    brew install --cask itsycal
    brew install --cask keyboardcleantool
    brew install --cask maccy
    brew install --cask microsoft-edge
    brew install --cask microsoft-office
    brew install --cask microsoft-teams
    brew install --cask monitorcontrol
    brew install --cask postman
    brew install --cask shottr
    brew install --cask slack
    brew install --cask sublime-text
    brew install --cask todoist
    brew install --cask tunnelblick
    brew install --cask visual-studio-code
    brew install --cask whatsapp
    brew install --cask zoom

    For tunnelblick, to disable auto startup on login -

    defaults  write  net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick  doNotLaunchOnLogin  -bool  yes
  6. Change some of the macOS defaults

    Add spaces in dock

    defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock

    Autohide dock

    defaults write "autohide" -bool "true" && killall Dock

    Instantly reveal and hide dock (0 delay)

    defaults write "autohide-delay" -float "0" && killall Dock

    Move dock to right

    defaults write orientation right && killall Dock

    Change the default location of screenshots

    defaults write "location" -string "~/Screenshots" && killall SystemUIServer

    Do not show thumbnail after screenshot is taken

    defaults write "show-thumbnail" -bool "false"

    Change screenshot type from PNG to JPEG

    defaults write "type" -string "jpg" 

    Show all file extensions in Finder

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain "AppleShowAllExtensions" -bool "true" && killall Finder

    Disable Auto Organize Mac Spaces

    defaults write "mru-spaces" -bool "false" && killall Dock
  7. Install JDK and Maven



    After JDK is installed, set the JAVA_HOME in your ~/.bashrc file.

    export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home

    Also install maven using homebrew.

    brew install maven
  8. Install and Configure AWS CLI

    brew install awscli
    aws configure

    This will ask you for AWS Access Key and Secret Key. You should have them from the very first time when you set up your AWS Account. If you dont have them contact your admin to create a new set of keys for you.

  9. Install jenv to manage java environments.

    brew install jenv

    Copy this to your ~/.bashrc file.

    export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(jenv init -)"

    Then run the following to make sure your JAVA_HOME is set.

    jenv enable-plugin export
    exec $SHELL -l

    Finally set your JAVA_HOME

    jenv add "$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"

    For further read this.

  10. Some more useful apps - a. CopyClip b. Fluor c. Logi Options+ d. Logitech G Hub e. PdfGear f. Adobe Acrobat Reader


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