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karashiiro edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

Creates a new instance of the wrapper. This should only be called once, if possible.


const Machina = new MachinaFFXIV(options);

options is an optional object parameter containing the following properties:

  • monitorType
    • This should either be disincluded or set to "WinPCap". If you set this to "WinPCap", please install the WinPCap driver.
  • pid
    • This should either be disincluded or set to your FFXIV process ID. This is only necessary if you are multiboxing the game.
  • ip
    • This should either be disincluded or set to the IP address the game is running on. This is almost never useful and is only provided for full coverage of the base library.
  • useSocketFilter
    • This should either be disincluded or set to true. This specifies whether to start data capture as connections are detected within the target process, or monitor the primary interface for the process and capture all data sent/received on that interface and filter it. The new behavior may cause some data to be lost on connection startup, but significantly reduces the filtering overhead caused by other traffic on the network interface.1
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