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This is an R package to do some QA/QC on data submitted to the under-ice ecology synthesis project. It will be used to check all data submitted to the project, but you can also use it to check your own data before you submit.

It is assumed that your data matches the format of the data template for this project. Use the t_icedata() function to transform data from the template format to vertical, as the package functions assume that data is structured vertically with fieldname as column headers, and without the other columns present in the template (dataclass, etc.). This means the data is organized differently from the layout of the data template, but is the easiest way to work with the data for testing.

To install and load the package:


Convert data from horizontal to vertical

The data template is organized horizontally with extra columns describing each field. This is useful for researchers who are first viewing the template, but ultimately we will want data to be organized vertically (and all the other functions in this package require that). The t_icedata() function takes data that has been pasted into the template (horizontal) and converts it to vertical. However, all columns will be character columns so many will need to be converted after transposing.

dat_horiz <- read.csv("data_horizontal.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat <- t_icedata(dat_horiz)

Check that column names match the fields in the data template

field_match(dat) # returns TRUE if fields match
# [1] TRUE

field_match(dat) # returns FALSE if fields do not match
# [1] FALSE

The check_fields() function allows you to determine which fields do not match. It returns a list of missing fields and extra fields. If all fields match, nothing is returned.

# $not_in_template
# [1] "extracol"
# $not_in_data
# [1] "year"       "season"     "researcher" "lakename"   "lakeregloc"

Check numeric fields

check_num() checks columns that should be numeric and returns the names of any that aren't, e.g.:

# [1] "lakeelevation" "watershedarea" "lakefetch"     "stationlat"
# [5] "stationlong"   "iceduration"   "photicdepth"   "avephytocount"
# [9] "maxphytocount"

fix_num() attempts to convert columns to numeric but will issue warnings if there are any that it can't convert. If coerce == FALSE (the default), the function will not leave columns as character if they can't be converted to numeric automatically. If coerce == TRUE, NAs will be introduced in any columns that can't be automatically converted. In both cases warnings will alert the user to any problem columns.

dat_converted <- fix_num(dat, coerce = FALSE)
# Warning messages:
# 1: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: watershedarea
# 2: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: lakefetch
# 3: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: stationlat
# 4: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: stationlong
# 5: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: iceduration
# 6: In value[[3L]](cond) : Conversion failed in column: photicdepth

dat_converted <- fix_num(dat, coerce = TRUE)
# Warning messages:
# 1: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: watershedarea
# 2: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: lakefetch
# 3: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: stationlat
# 4: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: stationlong
# 5: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: iceduration
# 6: In value[[3L]](cond) : NAs introduced in column: photicdepth

Check for missing data

Certain fields such as year, season, researcher, and lakename, stationlat, stationlong, and start/end dates should not have any missing data. The check_missing() function will highlight any fields that have missing data but shouldn't. Example:

# $missing_data_in_fields
# [1] "researcher" "lakename"

Check proportions of zooplankton and phytoplankton

The data template asks for proportions of different phytoplankton and zooplankton groups. Proportions should sum to 1. The check_props() function checks that this is the case. If all proportions sum to 1, nothing is returned. If some proportions do not sum to 1, they are are returned along with information (year, season, lakename, stationlat, stationlong) that will help determine where the incorrect calculations are. An example output of this function looks like this:

# $phyto
#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong proportion
# 4 2003 iceoff   Lake A      Az78.1   56.09323   -56.39756     100.00
# 5 2004 iceoff   Lake A      Az78.1   56.09323   -56.39756       1.01

# $zoo
#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong proportion
# 2 2001 iceoff   Lake A      Az78.1   56.09323   -56.39756       0.98
# 4 2003 iceoff   Lake A      Az78.1   56.09323   -56.39756     100.00

Check predefined values

Certain fields have a set number of options (e.g. season can be iceon or iceoff and nothing else). The check_values() function will make sure that values in the following fields are legal: season ("iceon" or "iceoff"), multiplestations ("yes" or "no"), startmonth and endmonth (three letter abbreviation), sampletype ("in situ" or "remote sensed"), fadata ("no", "proportional", or "concentrations"), gutdata ("yes" or "no"), bensubstrate, (NA or "organic", "silt", "sand", "rock", "mixed"). If any of these fields have illegal values, check_values() returns a list of them. Example:

# $endmonth
# [1] "Sept"
# $sampletype
# [1] "other"
# $fadata
# [1] "kiwi" NA
# $gutdata
# [1] "NA"

Check dates

Start date should be before end date.

check_dates() will return a data frame of any rows where end date is before start date.

#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong startday startmonth
# 1 2003  iceon   Lake D   Station A   56.09553   -56.39156       20        Feb
# 2 2003 iceoff   Lake D   Station A   56.09553   -56.39156       19        Sep
#   startyear endday endmonth endyear
# 1      2003      3      Jan    2003
# 2      2003      8      Aug    2003

Ice duration shouldn't be shorter than aggregation period in iceon season.

check_iceduration_length() returns a data frame of any rows where ice duration is shorter than aggregation period.

#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong startday startmonth
# 1 2004  iceon   Lake D   Station A   56.09553   -56.39156        2        Jan
#   startyear endday endmonth endyear iceduration aggperiod
# 1      2004     25      Mar    2004          80   83 days

Ice duration should be zero in iceoff season

check_iceduration_iceoff() returns a data frame of any rows where ice duration is not zero during the iceoff season.

#   year season lakename stationname iceduration
# 1 2004 iceoff   Lake D   Station A          80

Check periodn

periodn should be the number of sampling days, not the total number of samples (e.g. if a lake was sampled in one season on two different days at three depths on each day, periodn should be 2, not 6). Unfortunately this is not very clear in the data template (it's a little clearer in the instructions document). check_periodn() returns a data frame of observations where periodn is greater than the number of days in the aggregation period, which is an imperfect method of identifying cases where researchers used the individual number of samples at different depths.

#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong      start        end
# 1 2002 iceoff   Lake D   Station A   56.09553   -56.39156 2002-08-16 2002-08-16
# 2 2004  iceon   Lake D   Station A   56.09553   -56.39156 2004-01-02 2004-03-25
#   agg_period periodn
# 1     1 days       3
# 2    84 days     350

Check for repeated observations

There should be only one observation at a given station in a given season. check_repeats() returns a data frame of any duplicated observations.

#   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong
# 2 1975 iceoff   Lake F        9011   48.11363   -138.7702
# 4 1975 iceoff   Lake F        9011   48.11363   -138.7702

Check averages and maxima

Many fields have an "average" and "maximum" column. Averages should never be larger than maxima. check_avemax() with flag = "values" returns a list of any fields where the average is greater than the maximum. Example:

check_avemax(dat, flag = "values")
# $totphos
#   year season lakename  stationname stationlat stationlong maxtotphos
# 4 1981 iceoff   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344        2.5
#   avetotphos
# 4         10

# $zoopmass
#   year season lakename  stationname stationlat stationlong maxzoopmass
# 1 1980  iceon   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344         999
# 5 1982  iceon   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344         900
#   avezoopmass
# 1        1000
# 5         999

# $lakedepth
#   year season lakename  stationname stationlat stationlong lakemeandepth
# 8 1983 iceoff   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344           500
#   lakemaxdepth
# 8          250

If an average is repoted, a maximum should also be reported (and vice versa). In some cases (if values are calculated based on a single sample) these numbers will be the same; this is okay. check_avemax() with flag = "missing" identifies any cases where either average or maximum, but not both, are reported.

check_avemax(dat, flag = "missing")
#   year season lakename  stationname stationlat stationlong maxtotphos
# 7 1983  iceon   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344         NA
#   avetotphos
# 7       0.25

# $zoopmass
#   year season lakename  stationname stationlat stationlong maxzoopmass
# 8 1983 iceoff   Lake G Hat Rack Bay   53.51569   -137.4344         900
#   avezoopmass
# 8          NA

Check sample depth and photic depth

Sample depth should be equal to or shallower than photic depth. check_depths() returns a data frame of observations where sample depth is deeper than photic depth. In some cases this may be acceptable if the difference is small; this will have to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

#   year season stationname stationlat stationlong lakename photicdepth
# 3 2001  iceon        5830   48.40392   -125.6284   Lake H          46
# 4 2001 iceoff        5830   48.40392   -125.6284   Lake H          39
#   sampledepth
# 3          50
# 4          40

Check for phytoplankton biomass data

We originally asked for phytoplankton biomass in units of ug dry weight / liter, however after talking with researchers we determined that biovolume is a better measurement. The check_phytomass() function throws a warning if biomass data is present for phytoplankton, ciliates, or heterotrophic nanoflagellates so that we can follow up with the researcher about converting the units.

Warning message:
In check_phytomass(dat) :
  Phyto/ciliate/HNF biomass present. Follow up with researcher about converting to biovolume

Check nutrient values


We originally asked for DOC data in units of μg/l, however mg/l was provided by most researchers and is a more standard unit. If DOC is in the hundreds or thousands, it is likely in μg/l and we should follow up with researchers and likely convert their data. check_doc() Throws a warning if DOC values are >= 200.

Warning message:
In check_doc(dat) :
  DOC data values exceed 200. These data are likely reported in units of ug/l. Check with researchers before converting to mg/l.


Some researchers have reported data in mg/l instead of μg/l. This function throws a warning if values are <= 15 and we should follow up in those cases. This also returns a data frame of any observations where dissolved nitrogen is greater than total nitrogen.

##   year season      lakename stationname stationlat stationlong avetotnitro
## 1 2000  iceon Lake Nitrogen          4B      57.34      -137.7         450
##   maxtotnitro avetotdissnitro maxtotdissnitro
## 1         500            1000            1001
Warning message:
In check_nitro(dat_nitro) :
  Nitrogen data values exist that are under 15. These data may have been reported in units of mg/l. Check with researchers before converting to ug/l.

Check for negative values

None of the numeric columns in this data (with the exception of station latitude and longitude and air temperature) should be allowed to contain negative values. check_neg() returns a data frame of any observations that contain negative values.

##   year season lakename stationname stationlat stationlong avetotdissnitro
## 1 2010  iceon   Lake I          NA   48.40387   -125.6281              NA
## 3 2012  iceon   Lake I          NA   48.40387   -125.6281          -439.1
##   propcalanoid cvsuva
## 1         -0.3    0.0
## 3           NA   -0.1

Feel free to submit an issue if you have suggestions or notice any bugs.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.