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Folders and files

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io-path is a simple library for working with files and folders. It is a wrapper for java.nio.files.Path. Files and folders are handled separately with IOFile and IODir which provide convenient methods for working with files and folders.

io-path depends on Pekko. Akka is now licenced and not open for further development. If you are using Akka you might be able to change the imports and compile a version for Akka. Or you could use an older release 0.9.0, that has support for Akka.

io-path-play provides a module for integration with Play framework.

Please report bugs if you find them and feel free to DM me on Twitter if you have any questions.


// Available for Scala 2.13 and Scala 3
libraryDependencies += "io.github.karimagnusson" %% "io-path" % "0.9.2"

// Integration with Play framework
libraryDependencies += "io.github.karimagnusson" %% "io-path-play" % "0.9.2"



implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
implicit val io: BlockingIO = BlockingIO(system) // Provides blocking context

val filesDir = IODir.rel("files") // Folder in project root
val textFile = filesDir.file("text.txt") // File in folder 'files'
val oldFolder = filesDir.dir("old-folder") // Folder in folder 'files'

val job = for {
  lines   <- textFile.readLines
  _       <- filesDir.file("text-copy.txt").write(lines)
  _       <- filesDir.file("profile.jpg").download("")
  textGz  <- textFile.gzip // gzip 'text.txt'
  _       <- textGz.upload("") // upload 'text.txt.gz'
  _       <- oldFolder.dir("docs").copyTo(filesDir) // Copy 'docs' and it's contents to 'files'
  _       <- oldFolder.delete // Delete the folder and it's contents
  files   <- filesDir.listFiles
} yield files


BlockingIO can be used to run blocking code.


val io: BlockingIO = BlockingIO(system)

val res: Future[SomeType] = {

Integration with Play framework

Add the following to application.conf

play.modules.enabled += ""

class MyController @Inject()(
  val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
           io: BlockingIO) extends BaseController {


def fromPath(path: Path) = Future[IOPath] // IOFile or IODir
def rel(parts: String*) = Future[IOPath] // IOFile or IODir
def get(first: String, rest: String*) = Future[IOPath] // IOFile or IODir
def pickFiles(paths: List[IOPath]): List[IOFile]
def pickDirs(paths: List[IOPath]): List[IODir]

Methods common to IOFile and IODir

val path: Path
def name: String // Name of the file or folder
def isFile: Boolean
def isDir: Boolean
def startsWithDot: Boolean
def parent: IODir
def delete: Future[Unit] // A folder will be deleted recursively
def copyTo(dest: IODir): Future[Unit] // A folder will be copied with all its contents
def size: Future[Long] // If folder, then the size of all the containing files and folders
def isEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def nonEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def exists: Future[Boolean]
def info: Future[IOPathInfo]


def fromPath(path: Path) = IOFile
def rel(parts: String*): IOFile // Relative to working directory. Returns full path. 
def get(first: String, rest: String*): IOFile 
def deleteFiles(files: Seq[IOFile]): Future[Unit]
def isFile: Boolean
def isDir: Boolean
def ext: Option[String]
def extUpper: String
def extLower: String
def relTo(dir: IODir): IOFile // The rest of the path relative to dir
def assert: Future[IOFile] // Assert that the file exists and that it is a file
def create: Future[IOFile]
def size: Future[Long]
def isEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def nonEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def delete: Future[Unit]
def readBytes: Future[Array[Byte]]
def readString: Future[String]
def readLines: Future[List[String]]
def write(bytes: Array[Byte]): Future[IOFile]
def write(str: String): Future[IOFile]
def write(lines: Seq[String]): Future[IOFile]
def append(bytes: Array[Byte]): Future[IOFile]
def append(str: String): Future[IOFile]
def append(lines: Seq[String]): Future[IOFile]
def copyTo(target: IOFile): Future[Unit]
def copyTo(dest: IODir): Future[Unit]
def rename(target: IOFile): Future[IOFile]
def rename(fileName: String): Future[IOFile]
def moveTo(dest: IODir): Future[IOFile]
def mimeType: Future[Option[String]] // detect mime type
def gzip: Future[IOFile] // file name + .gz
def gzip(out: IOFile): Future[IOFile]
def ungzip: Future[IOFile] // file name - .gz
def ungzip(out: IOFile): Future[IOFile]
def zip(dir: IODir): Future[IOFile] // zip all files in a folder
def zip(files: List[IOFile]): Future[IOFile] // zip a list of filles
def unzip: Future[List[IOFile]]
def unzip(dest: IODir): Future[List[IOFile]] // unzip does not support folders
def untar: Future[IODir]
def untar(dest: IODir): Future[IODir]
def untarGz: Future[IODir]
def untarGz(dest: IODir): Future[IODir]
def asSink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]]
def stream: Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]]
def streamLines: Source[String, Future[IOResult]]
def download(url: String): Future[IOFile]
def download(url: String, headers: Map[String, String]): Future[IOFile]
def download(url: String, headers: List[HttpHeader]): Future[IOFile]
def upload(url: String): Future[String]
def upload(url: String, headers: Map[String, String]): Future[String]
def upload(url: String, headers: List[HttpHeader]): Future[String]


def fromPath(path: Path): IODir
def rel(parts: String*): IODir // Relative to working directory. Returns full path.
def get(first: String, rest: String*): IODir
def mkdirs(dirs: Seq[String]): Future[List[IODir]]
def isFile: Boolean
def isDir: Boolean
def relTo(other: IODir): IODir // The rest of the path relative to other
def relTo(other: IOFile) = IOFile
def add(other: IOFile): IOFile
def add(other: IODir): IODir
def add(other: IOPath): IOPath
def file(fileName: String): IOFile
def dir(dirName: String): IODir
def assert: Future[IODir] // Assert that the folder exists and that it is a folder
def size: Future[Long] // The combined size of all the containing files and folders
def isEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def nonEmpty: Future[Boolean]
def create: Future[IODir]
def mkdir(dirName: String): Future[IODir]
def mkdirs(dirNames: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[IODir]]
def rename(dest: IODir): Future[IODir]
def rename(dirName: String): Future[IODir]
def moveTo(dest: IODir): Future[IODir]
def moveHere(paths: Seq[IOPath]): Future[Seq[IOPath]]
def copyTo(other: IODir): Future[Unit] // Copy the folder and all its contents
def delete: Future[Unit] // Delete the folder and all its contents
def empty: Future[IODir] // Delete the contents of the folder
def tar: Future[IOFile]
def tar(out: IOFile): Future[IOFile]
def tarGz: Future[IOFile]
def tarGz(out: IOFile): Future[IOFile]
def list: Future[List[IOPath]] // List all the files and folders
def listFiles: Future[List[IOFile]]
def listDirs: Future[List[IODir]]
def walk: Future[List[IOPath]] // Walk all the files and folders
def walkFiles: Future[List[IOFile]]
def walkDirs: Future[List[IODir]]
def streamWalk: Source[IOPath, NotUsed]
def streamWalkFiles: Source[IOFile, NotUsed]
def streamWalkDirs: Source[IODir, NotUsed]


io-path is a simple library for working with files and folders in Scala.







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