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Pipeline to load mobility data from S3 to Redshift, calculate trips and to derive metrics.


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Mobility-Framework Pipeline

This project aims at providing a pipeline for loading, transforming and enriching timeseries data by a german micro-mobility provider. The mobility data contains pings of ~750 vehicles for the german city of Stuttgart. Each vehicle got pinged every two minutes throughout the day. Each ping contains information such as the battery level, a geo-location and a unique vehicle identifier (sign). Based on the hypothesis that vehicles do not return a ping while they are rented (not visible in the micro-mobility provider app), trips can be derived by identifying gaps in the timeseries of pings of individual vehicles. The number of trips on a day, the average duration, frequent start and end points can be derived from those trips. The output of this project could be a BI dashboard that displays the previously mentioned metrics to non-technical users.

The raw dataset for this project is stored on S3, but all tables are desired in a Redshift Data Warehouse. Therefore, steps of this pipeline include the onboarding on the Redshift Data Warehouse, the curation of trips data using the business logic and the aggregation of both trips data and general information that can be derived directly from the dataset without any further processing. This makes up three level of data in the Data Warehouse: the Staging Layer, the Silver Layer and the Aggregation Layer.

To enrich the trip information, a weather dataset is loaded that allows to derive the weather on a given day. This allows to explore correlations between the weather and the number of trips over a period of days.

The dataset contains around 540.000 rows per day (750 vehicles x 720 pings per day), which adds up to a total of around 5.4 million records for 10 days. A plotted extract from the mobility dataset can be seen below:

Mobility Data

Data Sources

The datasets for this project are located in the S3 bucket s3://mobility-data on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Mobility data

The main data source for this project are timestamps of vehicles (e-scooters) by a german micro-mobility provider in the city of Stuttgart. The dataset contains an entry for each of the ~750 vehicles every 2 minutes of the day, containing information such as the battery level, the geo-location and a unique identifier. The mobility data is partitioned by year, month and day and stored as Comma Seperated Values (CSVs) s3://mobility-data/2021/03/___.csv. For this project, data from the 1st of March to the 10th of March is available. The pipeline will be scheduled to run once a day, reading and processing the CSV partition for the respective execution date at a time.

Weather data

The data source for enrichment for this project is weather data by the provider The dataset contains one entry for each day containing information such as the min-max temperature, level of rain and humidity in the city of Stuttgart. The data is stored in the bucket s3://mobility-data/world-weather-march.csv and was originally extracted from World Weather Online.

Data Modell

Staging Layer

  • mobility_staging
    Table containing the raw and un-processed mobility data. The schema is as follows:
       city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
       country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
       lat REAL NOT NULL,
       lng REAL NOT NULL,
       model VARCHAR(10),
       sign VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
       code VARCHAR(10),
       energyLevel INTEGER NOT NULL,
       energyType VARCHAR(10),
       lastActivity VARCHAR(50),
       manufacturer VARCHAR(10),
       provider VARCHAR(10),
       time INTEGER NOT NULL,
       yyyy VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
       mm VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
       dd VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
       category VARCHAR(20)
  • weather_staging
    Table containing the raw weather data using the schema below:
        date VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        temperature_min INTEGER NOT NULL,
        temperature_max INTEGER NOT NULL,
        rain REAL NOT NULL,
        humidity INTEGER NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (date)

Silver Layer

  • mobility_trips
    Processed mobility data that contains data on a trip level. Trips are calculated using a business logic that aims at detecting gaps in the timeseries of individual e-scooters. For example: As each scooter gets pinged every 2 minutes, a response containing a geo-location is expected every 2 minutes. If a scooter has been visible for a few hours at a given location, then disappears, and appears again but potentially at a different location, the "hidden-time" is identified as a trip. Depending on certain criterias, such as the change of location, the duration of the disappearence and the change in the scooter charge level, the trip is classified as either a ride, a charge or a maintenance event.
    The schema of the table is as followed:

        category VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
        city VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
        code VARCHAR(15),
        country VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
        dd VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        end_energy REAL NOT NULL,
        end_lat REAL NOT NULL,
        end_lng REAL NOT NULL,
        end_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
        energyLevel_diff REAL NOT NULL,
        energyType VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        lastActivity TEXT,
        manufacturer VARCHAR(10),
        mm VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
        model VARCHAR(10),
        provider VARCHAR(10),
        sign VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
        start_energy REAL NOT NULL,
        start_lat REAL NOT NULL,
        start_lng REAL NOT NULL,
        start_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
        time_diff REAL NOT NULL,
        time_parsed TEXT,
        type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
        yyyy VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL
  • weather
    Processed weather data containing information about the temperature_avg and the weather_type on a given day. The schema is as followed:

        dd VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        temperature_min INTEGER,
        temperature_max INTEGER,
        temperature_avg REAL,
        rain REAL,
        humidity INTEGER,
        weather_type VARCHAR(25),
        PRIMARY KEY (dd)

Aggregation Layer

  • base_aggregate
    Aggregated mobility data containing information about the number of visible vehicles on a given day, various information about the energy level and the position of the city. For more detailed information, refer to the schema below:

       city VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
       country VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
       vehicles_num INTEGER NOT NULL,
       lat REAL,
       lng REAL,
       energy_level_avg REAL,
       energy_level_min REAL,
       energy_level_max REAL,
       dd VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
       mm VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
       yyyy VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL
  • trips_aggregate
    Aggregated trip data containing information such as the number of trips on a given day, the number of utilized vehicles and information about the duration. See the schema below for more information:

       city VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
       country VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
       type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
       trips_num INTEGER NOT NULL,
       utilized_vehicles_num INTEGER NOT NULL,
       trips_duration_avg REAL,
       trips_duration_min REAL,
       trips_duration_max REAL,
       start_energy_avg REAL,
       end_energy_avg REAL,
       temperature_avg REAL,
       weather_type VARCHAR(25),
       dd VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
       mm VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
       yyyy VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL

Data Pipeline

This section outlines the scope of the individual tasks of this pipeline. The dependency between the tasks can be derived from the schema below.

Staging Layer

On the staging layer, data is onboarded from S3 to the Redshift data warehouse. The schema of the data is inferred.

  • transfer_mobility_to_redshift
    Load all data of the partition for the specified execution date of the pipeline from the bucket s3://mobility-data/world-weather-march.csv into the table mobility_staging on Redshift using the provided schema.
  • transfer_weather_to_redshift
    Load all data from within the bucket s3://mobility-data/world-weather-march.csv into the table weather_staging on Redshift using the provided schema.

Silver Layer

On the silver layer, data from the staging layer is processed and stored back into output tables. This layer frames the core of the pipeline as business logic is applied.

  • calculate_trips
    Extract: Load data from table mobility_staging.
    Transform: Calculate trips according to the logic within the custom Operator to derive rides, maintenance and charge trips from the timeseries data.
    Load: Store results in the table mobility_trips using the provided schema.
  • transform_weather
    Extract: Load data from weather_staging.
    Transform: Derive average temperature and weather column using SQL.
    Load: Store data in table weather using the provided schema.

Aggregation Layer

On the aggregation layer, data from the tables created on the silver layer is aggregated into tables that provide metrics for potential BI systems that can be connected.

  • aggregate_base
    Aggregate the raw mobility data in the table mobility_staging to derive the number of vehicles visible on the execution date of the pipeline.
  • aggregate_trips
    Aggregate the trips data in the table mobility_trips to derive the number of trips and the average-min-max duration on the execution date of the pipeline.


The pipeline is currently scheduled to run once a day and load only the mobility data of the specified execution day. Thus, the pipeline can already handle backfills efficiently by passing a date to process.


  • If the data was increased by 100x.
    The workers in the pipeline would need to be able to handle bigger loads of data. Two options for that are to either increase the size of the workers (eg. by using a bigger machine, vertical scaling) or to switch the runtime of Airflow from Python to Pyspark. Pyspark tasks can handle larger volumes of data by distributing the load to multiple worker nodes (horizontal scaling).
  • The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day.
    By using Airflow, the pipeline already handles daily runs. It would only need to be ensured that the source systems also deliver the data on time.
  • If the database needed to be accessed by 100+ people.
    The Redshift Data Warehouse would need to be configured to handle access rights to the data efficiently. With more than 100 users, it is expected that not all users are supposed to see all information, thus one can limit the visibility of tables and even columns or rows to certain IAM roles.

DAG Schema

How to Run the Pipeline

Run Development Environment

  1. (Optional) Install Docker Desktop
  2. (Optional) Install Visual Studio Code
  3. (Optional) Install VS Code Extension Remote-Containers
  4. Clone this git Repository
  5. Open Repository as Remote Container

    VS Code will build a Docker Image using the provided Dockerfile and install all dependencies
    Read here for more infos

  6. Dev Environment is all set up

Run Apache Airflow

  1. (Optional) Install Airflow Package
    pip install apache-airflow==1.10.15
  2. Export Airflow default environment
    export AIRFLOW_HOME=/workspaces/mobilityframework-pipeline/airflow
  3. (Optional) Initialize Airflow Metadatabase
    airflow initdb
  4. Start Airflow Web Server in seperate Terminal
    airflow webserver -p 8080
  5. Start Airflow Scheduler in seperate Terminal
    airflow scheduler
  6. Open Airflow Web Server at localhost:8080 and enter Credentials

    Add credentials for AWS ("aws_credentials") and Postgres ("redshift")


  • Check that Airflow detected DAG
    airflow tasks list mobility-pipeline --tree
  • Run task from CLI
    airflow tasks test <dag_id> <task_id> <execution_date>
    airflow tasks test mobility-pipeline transfer_mobility_to_redshift "2021-03-01"

Files in Repository

  • airflow

    • dags
      • (DAG for mobility-pipeline)
      • (Store of SQL queries to create and insert into tables)
    • plugins
      • operators
        • (Operator to derive trips using business logic)
        • (Operator to load data from S3 to Redshift)
    • airflow.cfg (Airflow Config)
    • unittests.cfg (Airflow Unittests)
  • img (Contains images for explanation purposes in this README)

  • Dockerfile (Dockerfile for the Remote Container as explained in the section Run Development Environment)

  • requirements.txt (Requirements to satisfy during the building of the docker image)

  • .devcontainer (Configurations for the Remote Container)



Pipeline to load mobility data from S3 to Redshift, calculate trips and to derive metrics.





