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@karl80038 karl80038 released this 28 Feb 13:13
· 16 commits to win7 since this release

These binaries are not supported nor endorsed by RIA (Estonian Information System Authority), the developers of Estonian ID-Card software. These packages have been customized to install on Windows 7/8 (the official packages will no longer install on Windows releases older than Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2) and are provided without any kind of support or warranties. If you're using Windows 8.1/Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, then use the official binaries instead, provided at
as only the official binaries on the officially supported platforms are eligible for support.

DO NOT contact the official ID-helpline as they're unable to provide any support for any issues that might arise through the use of eID-software versions on unsupported platforms. You're completely on your own when it comes to installing and using these packages as there is limited to no support available. You're using these packages entirely at your own risk. As such, it's not advisable to use binaries provided below in the production use. No modifications have been made to any components besides the installation bootstrapper.

Attached below is the compressed full installation package containing all the binaries, as well as the source code for each of the components included in the installation package. The only component that does not have a publicly available source code is AWP (middleware/driver package for Idemia-based ID-cards).
Upstream repositories for various components included in the installation package can be found at