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Ansible Playbook: Ansible-k3s

Important Note: Currently this playbook does not work without disable firewall (ufw).


There are a few ansible playbooks in here:

Instructions can be found here on how to run this playbook, or below

  • Provision a new K3s cluster
ansible-vault encrypt inventory/hosts.ini
ansible-playbook playbook/provision.yml -i inventory/hosts.ini -K --ask-vault-pass
  • teardown a K3s cluster
ansible-vault encrypt inventory/hosts.ini
ansible-playbook playbook/destroy.yml -i inventory/hosts.ini -K --ask-vault-pass
  • Install Traefik and its dependencies like cert-manager
ansible-vault encrypt inventory/group_vars/traefik.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory/local.ini playbook/traefik.yml --ask-vault-pass


  • Python3 and pip installed on your machine
  • netaddr package installed via pip install netaddr

Linting and syntax-check

You can run yamllint to lint your yaml via

yamllint .

You can run syntax-check to verify the playbook's imports via

ansible-playbook playbook/playbook.yml --syntax-check


  • Inventory File:
    • inventory/hosts.ini Update this file to define your target hosts and also contains your token, so make sure you encrypt this file with vault. Example hosts.ini file below.



# variables for all the servers

# secret, make sure this file is in ansible vault to encrypt it
  • inventory/local.ini Used for installing traefik
  • Variables: inventory/group_vars.yml
    • k3s_cluster.yml = Customize variables in this file to configure the behavior for k3s playbook. There may also be variables inside for each role in roles/{rolename}/vars/main.yml and roles/{rolename}/defaults/main.yml
    • traefik.yml - This file is encrypted, used for Traefik playbook, example config below.
    # needed to tell ansible we are not ssh'ing and just running locally
    ansible_connection: local
    # Traefik variables
    username: "karl"
    password: "password"
    ingress_subdomain: ""
    helm_version: "27.0.2"
    # cert-manager variables
    email: ""
    domain: ""
    cloudflare_token: "api_token"
    # cert common variables between staging and production
    common_name: "*"
    dns_name_1: ""
    dns_name_2: "*"
    # staging
    metadata_name_staging: "local-example-com-staging"
    staging_secret_name: "local-example-com-staging-tls"
    staging_issuer_ref: "letsencrypt-staging"
    # production
    metadata_name_production: "local-example-com-production"
    production_secret_name: "local-example-com-tls"
    production_issuer_ref: "letsencrypt-production"
    # value should be true only second time running playbook
    # (once confirming that staging works)
    create_production_cert: "false"
  • Playbooks: playbook/*.yml
    • provision.yml is the playbook to run to provision/create the k3s cluster.
    • destroy.yml is the playbook to run to destroy/tear down the k3s cluster.
  • roles: roles/{rolename}
    • prereq- Role to run before creating k3s cluster. It syncs up the timezone in all nodes, enables ipv4 forwarding, allows api and etcd ports to go through firewall.
    • download- Another role to run before creating k3s cluster. It downloads the binary files for k3s
    • k3s_server- Spin our k3s cluster. It installs the binary, starts up each node, and setups up kubectl in each node. It sets up MetalLB as the service load balancer and kube-vip as the control plane load balancer.
    • k3s_server-post- Deploy MetalLB pool of ips set in inventory all.yml
    • traefik_pre_req - Install helm and other dependencies like Reflector to reflect secrets across namespaces
    • traefik - Install traefik ingress controller
    • cert_manager_install - Install cert manager
    • cert_manager_staging - setup certificate with letsencrypt test via staging
    • cert_manager_production- Setup certificate with letsencrypt for auto generated certs
    • reset- Destroy cluster and all associated files

Extra config

Allow kubectl from local machine

mkdir -p ~/.kube
scp kazzam@ ~/.kube/config

Validating k3s install

Files are under /validation folder



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