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Ktor vault plugin

Publish License: Apache 2.0

A Ktor installable plugin for vault that allows you to inject vault secrets into your project.

The vault token is the only supported login mechanism


Set up in Kotlin Gradle:
repositories {
    // Need a GH access token with read package scope
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            username = props.getProperty("USERNAME")
            password = props.getProperty("TOKEN")

dependencies {

First, Add the feature to your Application module

// Get the vault token and engine from environment variables
val env = System.getenv("ENV")
install(Vault) {
    token = System.getenv("VAULT_TOKEN")
    engine =  System.getenv("ENGINE")
    // Specify all the secret paths to look in
    secretPaths = listOf(

Create an env singleton and fetch your secrets via the secret name

object Env {
    val awsRegion: String = Vault.getSecret("aws.region")

    val kafkaBootstrapServer: String = Vault.getSecret("kafka.bootstrap-server")
    // and your other secrets .....

Use your env variables in another part of the code

    install(Kafka) {
        kafka { 
            bootstrapServer = Env.kafkaBootstrapServer


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license


We welcome any contributions, please submit an issue or PR.