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Quick Start

This project has a separate front end and backend.

First, clone the repository.

Secondly, you will need to install Docker + Node.


In the root folder, run the following command to boot all the containers:

docker-compose up -d

Composer install

./bin/composer install

After doing a composer install, you may need to restart the containers - it's a bit flakey due to the way Swoole reboots itself.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Generate keys for JWT using passphrase in .env JWT_PASSPHRASE


Run migrations on the database:

./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Seed the database with test data:

./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Front end

Navigate to FE folder

cd ./web-client
npm install
npm run serve

Now you should be able to navigate to localhost:8080 and play!