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Lift Module - FoBo v1.6

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@karma4u101 karma4u101 released this 25 Jun 18:21
· 266 commits to master since this release

FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.

Lift Module - FoBo v1.6 for Lift 2.6.x and 3.0 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. The following is extracted from the 1.6 section in CHANGELOG.

FoBo v1.6

New Features

Splitting FoBo modules into Toolkit modules composed of a Resource module and a API module.
Making it possible to, in your project depend on artifacts including everything from a single FoBo
provided resource module one or more API or resource module(s) or as before one or more Toolkit
modules or via the FoBo/FoBo module get access to all of FoBo's Toolkit, Resource and API modules.

The FoBoToolkit and FoBoJQuery trait's has been deprecated in favour for using the new Toolkit,
API and Resource trait's and case objects.

To aide in Lift 3 enhanced support for a strong CSP (Content Security Policy) FoBo utilize Lifts page script file's, to avoid inlining of javascript, by providing new or alternative API functions for script injection.

New modules

Updated modules