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Semaphore concurrency primitive library for Go.


func ExampleSemaphore() {
    stage1Ready := gosync.NewSemaphore(0)
    stage2Ready := gosync.NewSemaphore(0)
    stage3Ready := gosync.NewSemaphore(0)

    var n int

    go func() {
        n *= 3

    go func() {
        n += 2

    stage1Ready.Signal() // <-- this step triggers the process
    stage3Ready.Wait()   // <-- and this step waits for it to all complete

    fmt.Println("n", n)
    // Output: n 6


Semaphores are powerful and elegant synchronization primitives, equally powerful to mutexes and condition variables. While the Go Programming Language release includes support for mutex and condition variables, there is no built in support for semaphores.

If Condition Variables and Mutexes Are Just As Powerful, Who Cares?

While it has been demonstrated that all three of these concurrency primitives can be used to implement either of the other two, sometimes a particular problem can be more succinctly expressed using one of them, and sometimes using one of the others. To put it a different way--although admittedly a bit of a stretch--sometimes a programmer wants to use Print, sometimes Printf, and sometimes Println.

Fundamental Requirements for Synchronizing Concurrent Algorithms

Each of these concurrency primitives requires hardware support of atomic operations. On uni-processor architectures, suspending hardware interrupts was done to effect atomic operations. On multiprocessor architectures, however, each processor is working concurrently, and can independently read data from memory, modify that data, and write it back to memory, without regard to what the other processors are doing. This requires additional coordination to achieve atomicity, necessitating special new atomic instructions being added to the CPU that enforce atomicity in a multiprocessor environment. Most CPUs provides either Test-And-Set or Compare-And-Swap instructions. Although different in how they work, both allow the CPU to provide Read-Modify-Write (RMW) atomicity in a multiprocessor environment.

Go provides access to low-level atomic RMW operations through its Compare-And-Swap functions in the sync/atomic library. These functions allow our programs to read, modify, and write data with the same level of atomicity as the operating system or Go run-time have. However, these operations are extremely low-level, and they are not enough to synchronize a concurrent algorithm.

For the sake of simplicity, for the extent of this document I will refer to go-routines as threads of execution, or simply as a thread. For quite some time the Go scheduler has scheduled M go-routines to run on N operating system (OS) threads, so it's a fitting simplification of terminology.

When designing a concurrent algorithm, there are moments when one thread of execution must wait for an event to take place in a different thread before it may continue. In terms of the classic producer-consumer problem, a fixed size buffer can only hold so many elements, and a producer might need to wait for vacancies in the buffer before placing additional elements in the buffer. Similarly a consumer thread must wait while there are no elements on that buffer, and when there is one or more elements, the consumer can consume those elements from the buffer.

When low-level atomic operations are used to implement these in Go code, without coordination from the scheduler, the results are less than optimal. Either the threads will spin in a loop trying to acquire the lock, commonly called a spin-lock, or they will sleep for a brief moment in time and try the lock again. The problem with this approach is there is no way for our code to tell the scheduler which thread is runnable and which thread is blocked based on how our algorithm should work. The consumer thread will be given 50 milliseconds to CPU run-time, even when there are no elements in its queue to consume. Similarly the scheduler might schedule 50 milliseconds of CPU time for the producer while the queue is already full. In both of these circumstances, the scheduled thread cannot make forward process, and ends up blocking progress of the entire algorithm while it spin-locks waiting for algorithmic eligibility to run. Ironically, it is consuming the very CPU resources that could be used by its complementing thread to unblock it. The result is that performance degrades very rapidly in a high contention environment.

In order to build concurrent algorithms that work properly, it is imperative to tell the scheduler when a given thread should not be scheduled because it is algorithmically blocked, and when a thread is not algorithmically blocked and is eligible for scheduling. In other words, when working with OS threads, we need to have concurrency primitives that work with the OS scheduler, and when working with go-routines, we need to have concurrency primitives that work with the Go scheduler. This is an important point. Just because all concurrency primitives require atomic operations, which we have access to via the atomic Go standard library, one still needs to work with the scheduler in order to write concurrent software that does not poll. How do we interact with the scheduler to notify it that a thread is either blocked or eligible according to our algorithm? We use mutexes, condition variables, and semaphores.

Go Concurrency

Go provides access to mutexes and condition variables that both work with the scheduler to prevent polling. But it does not provide access to semaphores. Interestingly, Go's implementation of condition variables uses semaphores in Go's run-time, which does in fact work with the Go scheduler to mark go-routines as eligible to run or blocked. But this internal implementation of semaphores in Go is not accessible to programmers not working in Go's run-time or standard library.

Many in the Go community discourage use of the provided mutexes and condition variables, not because the implementations are bad. Quite the reverse: Go's mutexes and condition variables are very well implemented. They are efficient and well integrated with the run-time scheduler. However, many people have stated that because writing concurrent software is difficult, all application developers should write software that uses concurrency primitives at a higher-level of abstraction than mutexes, condition variables, and semaphores. For this reason, the Go community champions channels as its high level method of designing and programming concurrent algorithms. Despite the availability of channels since Go's initial public release, mutexes have been provided in Go as long as I have worked with it, and condition variables were more recently added to the sync standard library. This might suggest that the intention is to have application developers use channels for their concurrency needs, and eschew low-level and mid-level concurrency primitives, leaving those to the realm of the language implementers rather than the application developers. Under the covers, Go provides a very easy to use concurrency primitive called channels, that itself will be written with the required low-level and mid-level concurrency primitives.

Channels are supposed to be simple to use, reliable, and fast. While they do a great job at accomplishing these goals, numerous benchmarks demonstrate that channels are still lagging behind in the performance category. This is especially true when benchmarked against mutexes and condition variables. Furthermore, more and more of the standard library is being updated and leveraging channels in their implementation. This is unfortunate, because channels are demonstratively less performant than mid-level concurrency primitives. The performance difference is not necessarily surprising. If channels are implemented at a higher level of abstraction than the mid-level primitives, then it stands to reason that channels can be no faster than those primitives they are built upon.

Which brings me to the crux of the problem. Go does not only attract the novice programmer, but advanced programmers as well. This should not be a surprise as Go declares itself as a systems programming language. However, when a programmer implements an algorithm using channels, and it's one quarter or one tenth the speed of the same algorithm implemented using locks, then the programmer will likely abandon the algorithm that uses channels in deference to the faster code.

Go encourages developers to stick to using channels, but it concedes the utility of mid-level concurrency primitives and provides sync.Mutex, sync.RWMutex, sync.WaitGroup, sync.Cond, and similar concurrency primitives. Go also provides atomic low-level primitives in the standard library in the sync/atomic package. Semaphores are notably absent, but why? Are semaphores less efficient than mutexes or condition variables? Maybe, depending on their implementation. However, the Go language itself has an implementation of semaphores in its run-time, and that run-time implementation of semaphores is used to implement both sync.Mutex and sync.Cond in the standard library. This private semaphore code is the basis for other Go concurrency primitives because it is elegant, fast, and reliable. However, the run-time implementation of semaphores is private and not usable by code written outside the scope of the language run-time and standard library. So why not expose it for others to leverage?

The Need for Semaphore Support

People want semaphores in Go because it's a general case and performant synchronization tool. There is even a Go library providing semaphores,, but surprisingly it builds semaphores on top of channels rather than on either of the other two more performant concurrency primitives available in Go. Channels are a beautiful abstraction, but the fact remains that at least in my benchmarks, they are far slower than mutexes and condition variables.

To recap, at the bottom of the concurrency dependency tree are hardware atomic operations, then integration with the thread scheduler. With these two prerequisites are built mutexes, condition variables, and semaphores. In the Go run-time, there is private semaphore and mutex structures that use the low-level atomic primitives. On top of these two private structures the Go standard library implements sync.Mutex, sync.Cond, giving application developers access to mutexes and condition variables, and channels, giving application developers access to high-level synchronization for concurrent software development.

The semaphore library available at is built on top of channels, context.Context, sync.Locker, and container/list.List. context.Context itself is built on channels, spawning new go-routines with channels to monitor context.Done status at various points in execution. That library is designed to be used at a very high-level of abstraction, and is suitable for many uses. However, if you just want a simple semaphore, which is already present in the Go run-time, when you use it, the application will spawn go-routines and creates channels at multiple places, when none of it might be needed by your algorithm.

The library in this repository is a minimal semaphore library written on nothing but sync.Cond, which use the Go run-time semaphore code that is integrated with the scheduler. There are no channels created and no extra go-routines spawned to use semaphores, other than those created by the application code that might use this library.

I am not implying that semaphores are the best synchronization primitive for all concurrent applications, but rather that, like mutexes and condition variables, are useful at times. This library is meant to be used for those times when semaphores are useful.


A small synchronization library for Go.








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