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Essential tutorial bits for developers

This document is a collection of tutorial bits that I gather over time from topics ranging from simple bash commands and git gems to creating self-signed certifcates. It helps to have a common place to store these gems which can be easily searched.


  • List branches that contain a given commit
# search within a local branch
$ git branch --contains <commit>
# search across local and remote branches
$ git branch -r --contains <commit>
  • List all commits in the current branch that are not in the remote branch
git cherry -v
  • For a given file, find what commits were added to master relative to the local branch
git log --oneline HEAD..master -- <file>
  • Change the author
git commit --amend --author="<Author Name> <>"
  • Show git root directory
git rev-parse --show-toplevel


  • Check if stdin, stdout or stderr is attached to a terminal
# File descriptors for stdin, stdout and stderr are 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
# The bash builtin `-t` takes one of the above file descriptors and returns
# true if the descriptor is attached to a terminal and false otherwise. The
# following checks if stdout is attached to a terminal.
$ [ -t 1 ] && echo "Yes" || echo "No"
$ ([ -t 1 ] && echo "Yes" || echo "No") | cat
  • Check if a given function or alias exists
# Bash builtin `type` determines if a given identifier is a function or an
# alias. For example, let's define a function `bar` and an alias `baz`
$ function bar() {
> echo "i am a bar function"
> }
$ alias baz='bar'
# Now, let's use the `type` builtin to determine the type of `bar` and `baz`
$ type -t bar
$ type -t baz

Certificate generation

  • Generate a keystore using the Java keytool
keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore cloud.jks
  • Generate a certificate request
keytool -certreq -alias server -file cloud.csr.txt -keystore cloud.jks
  • Import one or all entries from another keystore
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cloud.jks -destkeystore cloud.pkcs -srcstoretype JKS  -deststoretype PKCS12
  • Generate a PEM from a pkcs12 formatted file
openssl pkcs12 -in cloud.pkcs -out cloud.pem
  • Reveal the private key from the PEM file
openssl rsa -in cloud.pem -out cloud.key
  • Generate a certificate from the certificate request and private key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in cloud.csr.txt -signkey cloud.key -out cloud.crt
  • Convert CRT to PEM format
openssl x509 -in cloud.crt -out cloud.pem -outform PEM


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