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Contribute and Become Developer

Helmut Wolman edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

Map of Tomorrow is a crowd commons project and a gift to the world and all people, who want to sustain its beauty. You are warmly invited to contribute to this project in three ways:

  1. Mapping on in your local area and building movements of people to change the world (See more:
  2. Reporting Issues and defining better ways of how this app should work (
  3. Become a Developer in this project!

How to become a Hacker?

Since 2018 the Map of Tomorrow-Team has run several bigger Hackathons in Belarus (before the Revolution) and in Moscow (before the war) but mainly in Stuttgart. To get invited, join our Telegram-Channel and we meet personally to help each other get started. But even if you are just joining online, in this page we try to help you to get an easy start to contribute as a developer to the frontend of this map.

Set up your environment

Like if you are writing a book, you need Text-Programs like "Word" (proprietary) or "LibreOffice Writer" (opensource) to get your thoughts on paper. For developing you also have different IDE-Programs to write the code:

  1. Is the best because it has all on board what you need, but costs lot of money
  2. needs some extra plugins but is free, although licenced proprietary by Microsoft
  3. is the same Code like Visual Studio from Microsoft, but open source and without tracking Many more alternatives you can try: here and here

Install Plugins

To work best with our code, we recommend you to use the following plugins for VSCodium, which you will find under "Extensions"-Button at the left side: (See also

  1. Total TypeScript (Learn TypeScript from within your IDE. Get helpful hints on syntax, and get translations of TypeScript's most cryptic errors.)
  2. GitLens (Quickly glimpse into whom, why, and when a line or code block was changed)
  3. GitHub Pull Requests and Issues (Pull Request and Issue Provider for GitHub)
  4. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
  5. Prettier
  6. TODO Highlight

Connect to Github

Via the Button "Source Control" on the left (Strg + Shift + G) you can choose "Clone Repository" which leads you to login on github, where you can choose our Repo (Make sure, you dont load the old frontend without .ts or the backend)