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The code can be built using the following commands,

With Make


The appdata can be cleaned using,

make clean-appdata

Without Make

gcc admin.c analytics.c appdata.c login.c main.c nav.c quiz.c time.c -o run

Prebuilt Executables

Linux: run the included “run” file
Windows: run the included “run.exe” file

Default Logins

Username Password Account Type
admin 1 Admin
student 1 Student


Giving Quiz

  1. Login to student account
  2. Choose to attempt a quiz
  3. Read instructions and start quiz

View Quiz Analysis

  1. Login to student account
  2. Choose to analyse a quiz

Making a Quiz

  1. Login to admin account
  2. Go to see or manage quizzes
  3. Choose create a quiz
  4. Follow on screen instructions
  5. Set availibility of quiz as desired

View Student Responces

  1. Login to admin account
  2. Go to see or manage quizzes
  3. Choose option to view student responces

Managing Users

  1. Login to admin account
  2. Choose see or add user option
  3. Choose desired option to manage users

Additional Libraries (Headers) Used

  1. stdio.h
  2. stdlib.h
  3. string.h
  4. time.h

Source Code

Can be found at github!