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jsonapi-validator - Validates the given JSON output specs with


gem install jsonapi-validator


Add in Gemfile and do bundle install


  • Place your JSON specs in doc/raml/samples folder


  • Run the rake task

rake jsonapi:raml:validate

  • Raises error code if there is validator error, else exits with success


rake jsonapi:validate
Validating file '/vagrant/my_rails_project/spec/apis/test/invalid_api.json':  FAILED
The property '#/' of type Hash did not match any of the required schemas. The schema specific errors were:

- oneOf #0:
    - The property '#/' contains additional properties ["invalid_api"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
    - The property '#/' did not contain a required property of 'data'
- oneOf #1:
    - The property '#/' contains additional properties ["invalid_api"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
    - The property '#/' did not contain a required property of 'errors'
- oneOf #2:
    - The property '#/' contains additional properties ["invalid_api"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
    - The property '#/' did not contain a required property of 'meta'

Validating file '/vagrant/my_rails_project/doc/raml/samples/test/valid_api.json':  PASSED

rake aborted!
Please fix the above validation errors`

Validate with Rspec

  • Use JsonApi::Validator.object(json_object) to validate it is compliant with

JsonApi::Validator.object(json_object).to be_true


  • Include the live sandbox API urls instead of static JSON files
  • Include the latest schema.json from instead of static file
  • Decorate the output with html (various output formatters)