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Nutrients Tracker

Pakistani Tikka Platter

Run on Streamlit

You can try this app on Streamlit:
Nutrients Tracker

This Streamlit web app assists you in tracking your nutrient intake by leveraging Google's GenerativeAI service (Gemini Pro Vision) to analyze images and estimate calorie counts.

1. Features:

  • Image Upload: Upload a photo of your food for analysis.
  • Text Prompt: Provide additional context (optional).
  • Calorie Estimation: Get an estimated breakdown of calories in the image.

2. Requirements:

  • Python 3.x
  • Streamlit (pip install streamlit)
  • dotenv library (pip install python-dotenv)
  • Google Cloud Project with GenerativeAI API enabled (GenerativeAI)

3. Setup:

  1. Create a virtual environment (recommended): python -m venv venv or conda create -p venv python==3.x -y
  2. Activate the environment: source venv/bin/activate (Windows: venv\Scripts\activate) or 'conda activate venv'
  3. Install dependencies: pip install streamlit python-dotenv
  4. Create a .env file in the project directory:
    • Add GOOGLE_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY> (replace with your GenerativeAI API key)

4. Running the App:

  1. Open a terminal in the project directory.
  2. Run the app: streamlit run
  3. Access the app in your web browser at http://localhost:8501.

5. Usage:

  1. Upload an image of your food.
  2. (Optional) Provide a text prompt for additional information.
  3. Click the "Tell me the total calories" button.

6. Output:

The app will display the estimated calorie breakdown from the image analysis using Google GenerativeAI.

  1. The user uploads the picture of his food and ask a question, "Is this food healthy?":

user's question and food

user's food

  1. When the prompt is passed, the system replies:

Total calories and system's advice

Why not try with your food?

7. Note:

This is a basic example using a free-tier API. Calorie estimates may not be perfectly accurate. Consider using a reliable nutrition database for detailed information.

8. Additional Considerations:

  • You can explore advanced Streamlit features for layout customization and interactivity.
  • Integrate error handling and user feedback mechanisms for a more robust experience.
  • Be mindful of API usage limits and potential costs when employing cloud services.

9. Disclaimer:

This application and its output are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult a licensed healthcare professional for personalized guidance on nutrition and calorie intake.


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