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Master of Science Thesis by Krzysztof Szczęsny and Jan Twardowski: Algorithm for visual odometry, 2017. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Telecommunications. Supervisor: Jarosław Bułat, PhD.

The algorithm is based on code and paper by J.J. Tarrio & S. Pedre.


Run ./ (without sudo - because we don't want the build files to be owned by root). It will:

  • install dependencies and tools,
  • fetch OpenCV 3.1 sources,
  • compile OpenCV (for the moment without contrib),
  • install OpenCV,
  • generate MEX files for Octave (generated octave/setup_opencv.m must be run every time to include them in path).


Each subproject contains script to build it. They are all checked by Travis.

  • octave/ - the algorithm prototype. Though not included in CI, could be in future,
  • android/ - an Android project that uses our library, (obsolete)
  • library/ - the C++ library, (obsolete)
  • tex/ - thesis sources.

Other folders

  • data/ - unit test bulk data too large for normal storage (whole directory uses Git LFS), yet too small for external download,
  • opencv/ - OpenCV 3.1 sources & binaries (after installation binaries are also available in /usr/local).

Running the Octave prototype

  • adjust the Config.m file,
  • run main.m script.

Building the C++ library (obsolete)

In the library/ directory execute:

  • make all to compile the library,
  • make test to compile the library and unit tests (./test executable),
  • make clean to remove compiled files,
  • ./ to compile the library and unit tests & run them (this will run special UT version for Travis - with no windows),
  • make doc to generate documentation.


OpenCV 3.1 was chosen due to mexopencv constraints.