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Top Store - Clothing Shopping App for Men's Shirts

Top Store is a mobile application built using the Flutter framework, designed to provide a user-friendly interface for shopping for clothing items online. The app allows users to browse through a variety of clothing products, view their details, add items to their cart, and proceed to checkout.


  1. Introduction Page:

    • Upon opening the app, users are greeted with an introduction page where they see the app's name and logo along with a brief description.
    • They are encouraged to click the "Get Started" button to proceed.
  2. Home Page:

    • After clicking "Get Started," users are taken to the home page where they can explore different clothing items available for purchase.
    • The home page displays various clothing products along with their images, names, prices, and ratings.
  3. Item Details Page:

    • When a user clicks on a specific clothing item, they are directed to the item details page.
    • Here, they can see a larger image of the selected item along with its name, rating, description, and available sizes.
    • Users can select their desired size and add the item to their cart.
  4. User Cart:

    • Users can view the items they have added to their cart by navigating to the cart page.
    • The cart page displays a list of clothing items along with their images, names, and prices.
    • Users can remove items from their cart or proceed to checkout.

Technical Overview:

The app is built using the Flutter framework, which allows for cross-platform development of mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase.

  • Provider Package: The Provider package is used for state management within the app. It allows widgets to access and update shared state.
  • Google Fonts: Custom fonts from the Google Fonts library are used to style text throughout the app.
  • Custom Widgets: Several custom widgets are implemented to enhance the user interface, such as custom buttons and clothing tiles.
  • Models: The app utilizes a model class to represent clothing items with attributes such as name, price, image path, and rating.

How to Run the App:

  1. Install Flutter: Make sure you have Flutter installed on your development machine.
  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository containing the app code.
  3. Run the App: Open the project in your preferred IDE and run the app on an emulator or physical device.


  • [Andries N Mogashoa]
  • [UI/UX reference: ]


For any issues or inquiries, please contact


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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