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Security: katademy/deck-linux



The command useradd _____ creates a new user account.
The command _____ changes a file's owner or group. chown
The command _____ changes a user's password. passwd
Default shell files should have default value of _____ set, for example to 077 umask
Debian's password encryption algorithm is set by Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in the _____ file /etc/pam.d/common-passwd
Encrypted Linux passwords all have the same _____, even if the unencrypted passwords do not length
the chmod _____ permission means READ permission for owner, group and public 0444
The command _____ modifies a group groupmod
The command _____ modifies a user account. usermod
gVisor is a _____ that can sandbox syscalls in userspace via restricted seccomp filters kernel security module
The /etc/passwd file stores _____ users and data about them
The _____ file contains group definitions. /etc/group
the chmod 0111 permission means EXECUTE permission for _____ owner, group and public
Login names can never contain colons or newlines - these characters are used as field and entry separators in the _____ file respectively /etc/passwd
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:_____:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} Maximum days between password changes
_____ filters decide which syscalls are allowed inside in a system. This prevents signals from being arbitrarily ran by an attacker, or being used to break out of a Linux namespace via unshare seccomp
The root, system, or wheel group always has GID of _____ 0
AppArmor profiles in complain mode _____ report violations
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: _____:password:UID:Default GID:comments:home:shell username
AppArmor profiles in _____ mode block access to disallowed resources enforcing
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: _____:password:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} username
The command _____ sets a password for a user passwd [username]
The command _____ reconciles the contents of the /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files pwconv
root user's UID always equals _____ 0
the chmod 0444 permission means _____ permission for owner, group and public READ
The command _____ sets a group's password, allowing users to enter it gpasswd
RHEL's password encryption algorithm is set in the /etc/login.defs file, or through the _____ command authconfig
The command _____ can change a user’s configuration through editing the /etc/passwd file vipw
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:_____:{{c10::account expiration date}} password expiration ban deadline
seccomp filters decide which _____ are allowed inside in a system. This prevents signals from being arbitrarily ran by an attacker, or being used to break out of a Linux namespace via unshare syscalls
Debian's password encryption algorithm is set by _____ in the /etc/pam.d/common-passwd file Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
the chmod 0111 permission means _____ permission for owner, group and public EXECUTE
The command userdel _____ deletes a user account.
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:_____:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} Last password change
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:Default GID:comments:home:_____ shell
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:Default GID:comments:_____:shell home
Pseudo-users have a _____, and therefore cannot be logged into. They are commonly defined as owners of commands and configuration files fake login shell
_____ is a kernel security module that confines programs to a limited set of resources, reducing an application's attack surface AppArmor
The /etc/shadow password file is readable only by _____ the superuser
"The command _____ searches the /var/log/ directory for usages of the word ""login""" grep login /var/log/*
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:_____:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} password expiration warning duration
sh reads _____ before reading ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile /etc/profile
the chmod 0222 permission means _____ permission for owner, group and public WRITE
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, adduser, usermod, _____, vipw, vipw -s and chsh instead pw
Are login names case-sensitive? _____ Yes
The command _____ deletes a user account. userdel
Human user UIDs should equal to _____ 1000 or higher
A user's group memberships equals the union of those defined for the user in /etc/passwd and _____ /etc/group
gVisor is a kernel security module that can _____ syscalls in userspace via restricted seccomp filters sandbox
AppArmor profiles configure access to capabilities, network access, file permissions, either in _____ or complain mode enforcing
The _____ file stores users and data about them /etc/passwd
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, _____, usermod, pw, vipw, vipw -s and chsh instead adduser
The command chown _____ changes a file's owner or group.
A Linux user is represented by its number: the _____ user ID or UID
A user's group memberships equals the union of those defined for the user in _____ and /etc/group /etc/passwd
The command passwd _____ changes a user's password.
New files are typically owned by the user's _____ group effective
Edit /etc/group by running _____ and /etc/gshadow by running vigr -s vigr
Do login names have to be unique? _____ Yes
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a _____. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:Default GID:comments:home:shell user
The command whoami displays _____ the currently logged in user
Group names should be limited to _____ characters for compatibility 8
AppArmor profiles in enforcing mode _____ block access to disallowed resources
The _____ password file is readable only by the superuser /etc/shadow
A line in the /etc/group file represents a single group. Its fields are separated by colons: Name:Password:GID:_____ Members, separated by commas
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:_____:comments:home:shell Default GID
The command _____ displays the groups a user belongs to groups
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands _____, adduser, usermod, pw, vipw, vipw -s and chsh instead useradd
AppArmor profiles configure access to capabilities, network access, file permissions, either in enforcing or _____ mode complain
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:_____:Default GID:comments:home:shell UID
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:_____:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} password
The command usermod _____ modifies a user account.
The command id displays _____ user and group ID's
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, adduser, usermod, pw, _____, vipw -s and chsh instead vipw
the chmod _____ permission means EXECUTE permission for owner, group and public 0111
AppArmor _____ configure access to capabilities, network access, file permissions, either in enforcing or complain mode profiles
The command _____ adds a user group groupadd
The /etc/shadow file contains _____ encrypted passwords.
_____ profiles configure access to capabilities, network access, file permissions, either in enforcing or complain mode AppArmor
AppArmor is a kernel security module that confines programs to _____, reducing an application's attack surface a limited set of resources
The _____ file contains encrypted passwords. /etc/shadow
Linux passwords are encrypted with a random _____, allowing them to have several encrypted forms, especially if several users use the same password salt
Linux typically encrypts passwords under the _____ cryptographic function SHA-512
Each line in the _____ file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:Default GID:comments:home:shell /etc/passwd
Edit _____ by running vigr and /etc/gshadow by running vigr -s /etc/group
The command groupadd _____ adds a user group
The command vipw can change a user’s configuration through editing the _____ file /etc/passwd
the chmod 0444 permission means READ permission for _____ owner, group and public
Human groups should have GID of _____ 1000 or higher
The commands useradd, usermod and userdel can be configured via the files /etc/login.defs and _____ /etc/default/useradd
the chmod _____ permission means WRITE permission for owner, group and public 0222
The command _____ changes a user's login shell chsh
The command _____ lists users who are logged in. users
A line in the /etc/group file represents a single group. Its fields are separated by colons: _____:Password:GID:Members, separated by commas Name
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, adduser, usermod, pw, vipw, _____ and chsh instead vipw -s
The command groups displays _____ the groups a user belongs to
A line in the /etc/group file represents a single group. Its fields are separated by colons: Name:Password:_____:Members, separated by commas GID
Edit /etc/group by running vigr and /etc/gshadow by running _____ vigr -s
A line in the _____ file represents a single group. Its fields are separated by colons: Name:Password:GID:Members, separated by commas /etc/group
The _____ file configures password expiration, encryption algorithms, UID ranges and GID ranges login.defs
The command pwconv reconciles the contents of the /etc/shadow and _____ files /etc/passwd
Each line of the _____ password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:Last password change:Minimum days required between password changes:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} /etc/shadow
The command users _____ lists users who are logged in.
_____ is a kernel security module that can sandbox syscalls in userspace via restricted seccomp filters gVisor
The command _____ displays the currently logged in user whoami
The commands useradd, usermod and userdel can be configured via the files _____ and /etc/default/useradd /etc/login.defs
Each line of the /etc/shadow password file represents a user. The user's fields are separated by colons: username:password:Last password change:_____:Maximum days between password changes:password expiration warning duration:password expiration ban deadline:{{c10::account expiration date}} Minimum days required between password changes
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:password:UID:Default GID:_____:home:shell comments
Users managed through LDAP (or other directory service) might have special entries in the /etc/passwd file beginning with _____, integrating the file with the directory service + or -
The /etc/group file contains _____ group definitions.
The _____ GID is used during creation of new files and directories default
Edit /etc/group by running vigr and _____ by running vigr -s /etc/gshadow
Grant a user sudo privileges by adding their username to the _____ file sudoers
The _____ group always has GID of 0 root, system, or wheel
You can generate AppArmor profiles using the _____ generation tool Bane (
Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user. A line's colon-separated fields represent: username:_____:UID:Default GID:comments:home:shell password
gVisor is a kernel security module that can sandbox _____ in userspace via restricted seccomp filters syscalls
seccomp filters decide which syscalls are allowed inside in a system. This prevents signals from being arbitrarily ran by an attacker, or being used to break out of a Linux namespace via _____ unshare
A line in the /etc/group file represents a single group. Its fields are separated by colons: Name:_____:GID:Members, separated by commas Password
The command _____ displays user and group ID's id
The command chage -d 0 username _____ invalidates a user’s password and forces an update
gVisor is a kernel security module that can sandbox syscalls in userspace via _____ restricted seccomp filters
The _____ directory holds sample startup files /etc/skel
The command _____ invalidates a user’s password and forces an update chage -d 0 username
AppArmor is a _____ that confines programs to a limited set of resources, reducing an application's attack surface kernel security module
It is best practice that a human user should have the same consistent login name and _____ across all machines they use UID
The command groupmod_____ modifies a group
The command groupdel _____ deletes a group
The /etc/skel directory holds _____ sample startup files
It is best practice that a human user should have the same consistent _____ and UID across all machines they use login name
The _____ file defines groups /etc/group
The command _____ creates a new user account. useradd
LDAP and /etc/passwd integration can be configured in the _____ file /etc/nsswitch.conf
The command _____ deletes a group groupdel
RHEL's password encryption algorithm is set in the _____ file, or through the authconfig command /etc/login.defs
gVisor is a kernel security module that can sandbox syscalls in _____ via restricted seccomp filters userspace
Linux limits login length to _____ characters 32
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, adduser, _____, pw, vipw, vipw -s and chsh instead usermod
The command pwconv reconciles the contents of the _____ and /etc/passwd files /etc/shadow
To manually create a new Linux user, add them into the files: _____ /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group
the chmod 0222 permission means WRITE permission for _____ owner, group and public
Never manually edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group or /etc/shadow. Use the commands useradd, adduser, usermod, pw, vipw, vipw -s and _____ instead chsh
Users managed through LDAP (or other directory service) might have special entries in the _____ file beginning with + or -, integrating the file with the directory service /etc/passwd
"The command grep login /var/log/* _____" searches the /var/log/ directory for usages of the word ""login""

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