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Releases: kateowo/infection


04 Mar 22:43
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This release provides one simple change.


  • Added customisable timer_speed option
    • Allows you to control the speed of the timer, specifically the conversion from ticks to seconds. By default, 20 ticks converts to 1 second, but to half the speed - for example - set timer_speed to 40.


  • Bumped version number to 2023.0304

Death fixes

02 Dec 21:17
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This is a major hotfix release, fixing quite a major problem related to deaths. This bypassed all testing in all projects using this method of detecting deaths and will also affect my other projects seperate to events. Nice.. happy holidays.


  • Ensured deaths are properly reset
    • The main loop was not resetting deaths. (as I thought the death script was already doing that?)
  • Bumped version number to 2022.1202

Major refactor!

28 Nov 18:51
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It's that time of the year, refactor time!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 This release refactors 99% of the code to meet the standards of my current projects and also fixes a lot of old bugs and regressions and generally mind-bending things. This was painful.


  • The game no longer requires players on infected and alive teams
    • This was both incorrect and just un-needed, the datapack now automatically manages adding players to the alive team.
  • The game can no longer be started while the game is in progress


  • Improved bossbar display to now show 'x seconds left', amongst other things
    • Backported from Lava Rising. As can be seen here:
  • Fixed the infected compass giving infinitely
    • This is something I would have expected to have been reported a long time ago, considering this regressed a long time ago. Oh well 😭.
  • Win messages are now more inline with my other datapacks
    • GAME OVER! image


  • The setup flow is now prompted before game start


  • Refactored 99% of the code
    • This code was painfully horrible, unorganised, and random.
    • image
  • Fixed last_login not firing due to missing scoreboard
    • I don't know either.
  • Organised code in system directory for clarity
    • Which also includes the close_border code & win-related functions.
  • Removed redundant period checks when checking player win
  • Added debug options
    • 77
  • Removed options for sound_effects
    • Very old option, not really relevant anymore.
  • Bumped version number to 2022.1128

Older version fix

26 Sep 15:44
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Expands version support past 1.17. Pointed out by @Kaleidio in #3.


  • Ensured gameplay is able to start in older versions

    A conflict with the spore_blossom_air particle of all things was causing the main loop to break in versions below 1.17.


  • Bumped version number to 2022.0926

More configuration!

18 Sep 15:21
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This release was originally intended back in March, but never made it's way to the datapack.. well until now. This packs 2 new configuration options for the alive and the infected.


  • Added infected_speed_boost as an option

    Used to configure the infected's speed boost.

  • Added alive_health_boost as an option

    Used to configure the alive's health boost, proportioned to the infected.


  • Improved commenting for health boost
  • Bumped version number to 2022.0918

Monthly bug fixes

Technical release

19 Jul 16:46
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Ran through the code and fixed up pretty much all of it to meet the standard I tend to code at these days. Future updates will most likely be arriving, this is just the groundwork.




Flaws And Sins

01 Jul 20:05
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Since December 2021, i've found a lot of flaws and things that could be improved, here is the update that helps with that. This also contains some new features.





07 Dec 19:21
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After some Github delays 😭, Infection has now fully released. Hope you enjoy!