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Next.js Dashboard Layout template (with Styled Components)


Deploy with Vercel

Starter code with the implementation of:

  • Basic layout: header, the main content area with drawer, footer
  • Drawer toggle
  • Multilevel (nested) menu
  • Theming

Technologies used

  • Next.js v.12
  • TypeScript v.4
  • Styled Components v.5
  • Styled Icons (Material) v.10


To change (add/remove) menu options, open constants/menu-items.ts file, and edit MENU_OPTIONS variable by updating a name, url and icon props. Any menu item can have nested options (subItems array). There is no menu depth limit (although some additional styling might require for 3+ levels). The template will generate a menu structure automatically based on the provided MENU_OPTIONS.


To add/remove/change any theme colors (or add any other theme props, like font-size, border-radius, spacing, etc.) edit styled.d.ts file to have type safety, and styles/theme.ts.

Getting Started

  1. Get the latest version:
git clone
cd nextjs-dashboard-layout
  1. Run
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

How to create from scratch

I wrote the blog post on how to create the Dashboard layout. You can read it here.