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ASP.NET Web API Checking Account Register Service Demo with XML Datastore & Client "Tester" Console Application

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This project presents an ASP.NET Web API Checking Account Register Service Application that demos some CRUD commands (post, get) operating on data in the web application while serializing/deserializing to an XML Datastore. Also, a client “tester” console application tests the API requests to add and retrieve checking account data with the HTTP protocol.


This project emulates a checking account register that keeps tracks of your credits, debits, fees, and all transactions in one ledger.


The demo project consists of these component topics:

• ASP.NET Web API Application o Update-to-Date Web API Components o XML Datastore o Web API Controller with Add & Get Methods/Actions

• Models Class Library and XML Serializable Attributes (Shared)

• Utilities Class Library (Shared)

• Web API Client “Tester to Service” Console Application o Post & Get Operations Testing using HTTP