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OpenERP proxy

This project aims to ease access to openerp data via shell and used mostly for debug purposes. This project provides interface similar to OpenERP internal code to perform operations on OpenERP object hiding XML-RPC behind



  • supports call to all public methods on any OpenERP object including: read, search, write, unlink and others
  • Designed not for speed but to be useful like cli client to OpenERP
  • Stores information about connection to OpenERP databases (beside passwords)
  • Provides browse_record like interface, allowing to browse related models too. (But doing it in defferent way than browse_record do
  • Use IPython as shell if it is installed, otherwise uses defaul python shell
  • Plugin Support

What You can do with this

  • Quickly read and analyze some data that is not visible in interface without access to DB
  • Use this project as library for code that need to access OpenERP data
  • Use in scripts that migrates OpenERP data (after, for example, adding new functionality or changing old). (Migration using only SQL is bad idea because of functional fields with store=True which must be recalculated).


Near future plans

  • Add support of JSON-RPC and refactor connection system to make it extensible (now only XML-RPC is supported)
  • Better plugin system which will allow to extend API on database, object, and record levels
  • Django-like search and write API implemented as plugin

How to use

Install package with pip install openerp_proxy, this will make available package openerp_proxy and also shell will be available by command $ openerp_proxy

So, after that run in shell:


And You will get the shell. If IPython is installed then IPython shell will be opened, else usual python shell There in context exists session variable that represents current session to work with

This project may be used as lib too. just import it ``import openerp_proxy`` and use same as below without big differences

First connect to OpenERP database You want:

>>> db = session.connect()

This will ask You for host, port, database, etc to connect to. Now You have connection to OpenERP database which allows You to use database objects.

Now lets try to find how many sale orders in 'done' state we have in database:

>>> sale_order_obj = db['sale.order']  # or You may use 'db.get_obj('sale.order')' if You like
>>> # Now lets search for sale orders:
>>>[('state', '=', 'done')], count=True)
>>> 5

So we have 5 orders in done state. So let's read them.

Default way to read data from OpenERP is to search for required records with search method which return's list of IDs of records, then read data using read method. Both methods mostly same as OpenERP internal ones:

>>> sale_order_ids =[('state', '=', 'done')])
>>> sale_order_datas =, ['name'])  # Last argument is optional.
                                                                      # it describes list of fields to read
                                                                      # if it is not provided then all fields
                                                                      # will be read
>>> sale_order_datas[0]
{'id': 3,
 'name': 'SO0004'

As we see reading data in such way allows us to get list of dictionaries where each contain fields have been read

Another way to read data is to use search_records or read_records method. Each of these methods receives same aguments as search or read method respectively. But passing count argument for search_records will cause error. Main difference betwen these methods in using ERP_Record class instead of dict for each record had been read. ERP_Record class provides some orm-like abilities for records, allowing for example access fields as attributes and provide mechanisms to lazily fetch related fields.

>>> sale_orders = sale_order_obj.search_records([('state', '=', 'done')])
>>> sale_orders[0]
... ERP_Record of ERP Object ('sale.order'),9
>>> # So we have list of ERP_Record objects. Let's check what they are
>>> so = sale_orders[0]
... 9
... SO0011
>>> so.partner_id  # many2one field values are consists of ID of related record and name of related record
... [25, 'Better Corp']
>>> # Lets fetch related partner obj. To do it just add suffix '__obj' to and of field name
>>> so.partner_id__obj
... ERP_Record of ERP Object ('res.partner'),25
... Better Corp
... True


Plugins are separate scripts that could be placed anywhere on file system. Plugin shoud be python file or package which colud be imported and with specific structure So to define new plugin just place next code on some where You would like to store plugin code.

# Plugis just provides some set of classes and functions which could do some predefined work
class MyPluginClass(object):
    _name = 'my_class1'  # Name of class placed in plugin

    # Init must receive 'db' argement which is ERP_Proxy instace
    # Plugin system is lazy, so all classes or even plugins at all will be initialized
    # only when some code requestes for them trying to access it.
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db  # Save database instance to be able to work with data letter

    # Define methods You would  like to provide to end user
    def my_cool_method(self, arg1, argN):
        # Do some work

# And define initialization method for plugin which will show what this plugin provides to user
def plugin_init():
    return {
        'classes': MyPluginClass,
        'name': 'my_plugin',

And now to use this plugin just load it to session:

>>> session.load_plugin("<path to your plugin>")  # this may be called in any place of code.
>>> db = session.connect()
>>> db.plugins.my_plugin.my_class1.my_cool_method()

For more information see source code.