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Releases: katzer/alpinepass


18 Mar 17:13
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What's new

Released at: 18.03.2020

  1. Compiled binary for OSX build with MacOSX10.15 SDK

  2. Upgraded to mruby 2.1.0

Full Changelog


13 Aug 10:29
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What's new

Released at: 13.08.2019

  1. Compiled with MRB_WITHOUT_FLOAT

  2. Compiled binary for OSX build with MacOSX10.13 SDK (Darwin17)

  3. Upgraded to mruby 2.0.1

Full Changelog


02 Jan 09:01
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Whats new

  1. Print errors and warning to SDTOUT with colors.

  2. Handle unknown types as generic instead of invalid.

  3. Dropped compatibility with orbit v1.4.6 due to breaking changes in fifa.

  4. Removed LVAR section for non test builds.

  5. Upgraded to mruby 2.0.0


16 Aug 17:17
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Whats new

Tool has been fully reworked.

$ alpinepass -h

Usage: alpinepass [options...] -i input_file [-o output_file] matchers...
-i, --input     Path to the input file
-o, --output    Path to the output file
-f, --format    Format of the output file
                Defaults to: fifa
-c, --check     Check the content of the input file
-p, --pretty    Pretty print output
-s, --secrets   Export secrets like passwords
-h, --help      This help text
-v, --version   Show version number

Transform the KeePass file by using the $ORBIT_HOME/config/orbit.xsl stylesheet:

KPScript -c:Export "%ORBIT_HOME%\config\orbit.kdbx" -pw:MyPw -Format:"Transform using XSL Stylesheet" -XslFile:"%ORBIT_HOME%\config\orbit.xsl" -OutFile:"%ORBIT_HOME%\config\orbit.export"

Then convert the exported data into a valid knowledge database for fifa:

$ alpinepass -i keepass.export -f fifa -o orbit.json

To create a knowledge database for fifa containing production databases only:

$ alpinepass -i keepass.export -f fifa -o orbit.json type=db@env=prod


06 Oct 15:23
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