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This repository contains my custom Keyboard Maestro1 macros:


go to Keyboard Maestro > File > Import Macros...

some of the scripts are application specific, so i suggest you create a new group for these and assign them to the respective applications.


Text Expansion Macros

Text Emoji Macros

My carefully curated list of text expansion macros for emojis. I believe this will be my most priced online contribution to this world.

Text Snippet Macros

Basically all other text snippets that aren't macros. Worth noting there's a bunch of really useful ones for date expansion that have been some of my most used ones e.g.

dt-     today's date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
dt/     today's date formatted as yyyy/mm/dd
dthu    Human readable date - Jul 10, 2022 [Sun]

There's plenty more that i've found to be pretty useful over time.

Window Movers

After dabbling with a bunch of really good Window management apps (Moom, BetterSnapTool, Mosaic, Divvy, Phoenix) I switched back to using Keyboard Maestro because it allowed me to program highly specific behaviors that I was looking for. Here's a list of some of the variants:

  • wm: center - center the window to your screen
  • wm: full - full screen
  • wm: half left - left half of the screen
  • wm: half right - right half of the screen
  • wm: major left - 72% of the left portion of your screen
  • wm: major right- 72% of the right portion of your screen
  • wm: minor left - 25% of left portion of screen
  • wm: minor right - 25% of left portion of screen
  • wm: screencast- resize to 1280 X 720
  • wm: split 3 center - resize to 1/3 size of screen and center
  • wm: split 3 left - resize to 1/3 size of screen and left align
  • wm: split 3 right - resize to 1/3 size of screen and right align
  • wm: vertical fill - with the existing width resize window to full height of the screen
  • wm: tile apps - "tile" all the windows of the front most app so i can easily spot them.
  • wm: tile apps all - "tile" all the windows of every app that's open and running so i can easily spot them.
  • wm: time machine - take all the windows of the front most app and rearrange them like how time machine on the mac does (see picture below)

time machine screenshot


This repo used to have a bunch of useful scripts, I've moved these to the archive directory for posterity but don't actively use the ones here.

  • Backup complete Keyboard Maestro Shell script
  • Open two new Finders and align : (apply to Finder)
  • Delete Permanently : (apply to Finder)
  • Keyword Search Engine : (apply to Browser)
  • Text Manipulation Snippets
  • Kill Mouse Acceleration at login


  1. That's my referral link to Keyboard Maestro.


KG's Keyboard Maestro Macros






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