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An example project for SwiftUI and Combine which querries the API of GitHub

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Folders and files

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3 Commits

Repository files navigation



  • Do not use any 3rd party Library
  • Try to document your code (inline comments are fine)
  • add a Readme file that explains your thought process while implementing the app and the decisions you made (both on design and architecture)
  • do not spend more than 3-4 hours on the task.


Task 1 - Connect to the Github API

Connect to the Github API to retrieve the list of public repositories in your Github Account.

This results in a list of public Repositories. Visualize the results in a List. You are free to choose any meaningful subset of data to show in each row. Also, it is up to you to decide if you want to use a TableView, CollectionView, StackView, etc..

Task 2 - Asynchronously load the last commit

Once the list has been populated, start retrieving information about the last commit for each repository. This can be done with the following call:${user}/${repository}/commits

Again, feel free to choose any meaningful subset of data to add to the row upon a successful response. Make sure that the list is scrollable while data is loading.

Task 3 - Build some custom UI

We expect a UI that is not just the default UITableViewCell. We want to see how you work with ViewControllers, Views, and Layers.

Try to create some kind of custom UI for the individual views for each repository in the list (Task 1). You can come up with any design you want.

Bonus Task - Animation

Animate the loading/change of the list when the data from the commit history is available. You can be as creative as you like. Examples of what you could to here are:

  • Individual loading indicators for each cell/view
  • Animated labels that serve as loading indicators
  • Animate the height of your cells/views to make room for the additional data
  • etc..

Please also document your intentions in code or in the Readme

Architectural design choices

User Interface implementation

Even though I am of the personal opinion that SwiftUI is not fully ready for production applications (as mentioned in our interview befire), I am not building this application using Storyboards, but working with SwiftUI. Once more I expect to have a benefit in terms of speed due to this choice.


Apart from the main application target I am adding a seperate target for the networking abstraction. In this way I do not polute the namespace with logic specific information and can improve my speed of development by following a pattern that I am familiar with (given the 3-4 hours deadline I feel this is a reasonable decision). In this way I will also get the asynchronous loading of Task 2 without putting too much additional effort.

Github API


The response is defined as following:

Status: 200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
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The response is defined as following:

Status: 200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
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      "author": {
        "name": "Monalisa Octocat",
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        "date": "2011-04-14T16:00:49Z"
      "committer": {
        "name": "Monalisa Octocat",
        "email": "",
        "date": "2011-04-14T16:00:49Z"
      "message": "Fix all the bugs",
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        "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e"


Following the strict deadline I implemented the GitHub API for task 1 and task 2. To speed up the process I reused some slim network code, which I wrote and published earlier (not quite 3rd party, but reuse of own code). Furthermore I chose to use SwiftUI and Combine to save some time with task 3. In retrospective I believe that implementing the same project with Swift and Storyboards would have been faster due to the fact that many of the interfaces in the new frameworks do not fully support all the features yet. Reading up the documentation about those would not have been necessary with UIKit. This is especially visible in the ObservableTask.swift file.


An example project for SwiftUI and Combine which querries the API of GitHub




