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Getting Started

Start the Flask Server is a simple Flask server that you can run on your local box for development. For LFViz, the server just serves static files. However, for data labeling support, this server does run logic to process labeling results and store them.

flask run

Getting Started with LFViz

  1. Create the directory lfviz_config/ underneath the directory containing lfviz.html. This is where lfviz.html looks for configuration files specified in url parameters (see step 4).
  2. Create a WeakDB data dump with name <DUMPNAME>, placing the files anywhere in your web tree. Let's call that directory <DUMPDIR>, so the main info file of the dump is <DUMPDIR>/<DUMPNAME>.json
    • See the example in weakdb/ to learn how to create a data dump. This example shows you how to populate a WeakDB class with the appropriate outputs and intermediates from Epoxy, and then dump to json for use in lfviz.
  3. Create a lfviz configuration file <MYCONFIG>.json that points to your data dump.
    • Set parameter value dump_url to the url of the data dump info file (e.g., "dump_url" : "<DUMPDIR>/<DUMPNAME>.json").
    • See the example configuration file in config_examples/lfviz_config.json.
  4. Open lfviz.html in a browser. Set the query string parameter lfviz.html?config=<MYCONFIG> to load your WeakDB data dump using lfviz.

Getting Started with a New Data Labeling Session

  1. Create the directory labeling_results/ in the top level of your web tree. will look for labeling task definitions at this location.
  2. Create a labeling task and place the task description .json file in labeling_results/.
  3. Open labeling.html. Type in the task id in the text entry box, type in your name, and label away! The server just updates the task description json file on disk.
    • Results are stored back to the server every 10 annotations, so accidentally closing the browser window will not lose your labels.
  4. For convenience (so you don't have to type them in yourself) stick both the task id and the labeler name into url parameters (i.e. labeling.html?task_id=<TASK_ID>&labeler=<LABELER_NAME>)


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