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Konstantin Batkov edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 1 revision

This section describes how to use the FLUKA-related tools. We will use $FLUPRO/exfixed.inp as the input file example.

Copy it in an empty folder and run:

$FLUTIL/rfluka -N0 -M5 exfixed.inp

As expected, it will produce output files from 5 runs with different seeds. We can use the fluka2root script in order to merge the data files from different runs and convert results into a single ROOT file:

fluka2root exfixed.inp

This should produce the exfixed.root file with TH2 and TH3 histograms for the USRBIN, USRBDX and USRTRACK estimators. You can plot and analyse them with standard ROOT tools. This script shows some examples how to plot these histograms.

The fluka2root script does not support the free format FLUKA input.

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