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tweaking syntax-case's pattern matcher.
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kbob committed Nov 17, 2009
1 parent d16607f commit dfc9df4
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Showing 3 changed files with 220 additions and 100 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions NOTES
Expand Up @@ -1400,3 +1400,56 @@ unwrapping dust throughout. Nonetheless, progress has been made.

[later, 1:10 AM] magic unwrapping dust has been sprinkled. Time
to commit it to git.


Spent 11/14 sprinkling more magic unwrapping dust. I think it's
pretty close now.

Now I'm looking at implementing the syntax keyword. syntax expands a
template, substituting pattern variables from the environment and
expanding ellipses.

Here are the constraints on ellipses that syntax needs to enforce.

Let S be a subtemplate preceding an ellipsis.
Label each pattern variable V in S with the number of ellipses following it.
If V.depth > ellipsis count,
raise a syntax violation, "not enough ellipses".
For i in 1 to V.depth,
If the ellipsis already has a repeat count and it's different,
raise a syntax violation, "ellipsis count mismatch".
Label following ellipsis i with repeat count matching V's at that depth.
If any ellipses are unlabeled, raise a syntax violation, "too many ellipses".

I feel like that should be intermingled with the actual expansion process.

Pseudo Pythonscheme...

def expand(tmpl, pos=0, depth=0):
if template is a pattern variable:
if v.depth > depth:
raise SyntaxViolation('not enough ellipses')
return v[pos] # sort of...
if template is a scalar:
return template
if (and (pair? tmpl) (free-identifier=? (car tmpl) '...)):
unless (and (pair (cdr tmpl)) (null? cddr tmpl)):
raise SyntaxViolation('misplaced ellipsis')
return expand_no_ellipses((cadr tmpl), pos, depth)
if (and (pair? tmpl)
(pair? (cdr tmpl))
(free-identifier=? (cadr tmpl) '...))
out = []
subt = (car tmpl)
for subpos in range((repeat_count subt)):
out.append(expand(subt, subpos, depth + 1))
out.append(expand (cddr tmpl, pos, depth))
return out
if (pair? tmpl):
return (cons (expand (car tmpl) pos depth)
(expand (cdr tmpl) pos depth)

So there it is. I have an algorithm. Now I need to translate it
into scheme and debug it.
238 changes: 151 additions & 87 deletions expand.scm
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
(define (make-binding name type mutability value)
(cons name value))

(define (binding-immutable) 1)
(define (binding-immutable) 0)
(define (binding-mutable) 1)
(define (binding-lexical) 1)
(define (binding-pattern) 3)

; trace ----------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +221,9 @@
(define (syntax-pair? obj)
(and (syntax-object? obj) (pair? (syntax-object-expr obj))))

(define (syntax-null? obj)
(and (syntax-object? obj) (null? (syntax-object-expr obj))))

(define (syntax-car x)
(syntax-object-wrap x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,32 +273,58 @@

#;(free-identifier=? (make-syntax-object 'a #f) (make-syntax-object 'b #f))

; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ;
; environment -----------------------------

(define (make-environment parent)
(cons '() parent))

(define env-bindings car)
(define env-parent cdr)
(define env-set-bindings! set-car!)

(define (push-environment bindings env)
(cons bindings env))

#;(define (memfree-ident= i a)
(memp (lambda (x) (free-identifier=? i x))
(define (binding-name binding)
(car binding))

(define (binding-value binding)
(cdr binding))

(define (env-add-binding! env binding)
(env-set-bindings! env (cons binding (env-bindings env))))

(define (env-lookup env name)
(define (_ seg env)
(if (null? seg)
(if (null? env)
(_ (car env) (cdr env)))
(let ([binding (car seg)])
(if (eq? (binding-name binding) name)
(_ (cdr seg) env)))))
(_ '() env))

(define (ext-env name value env)
(cons (make-binding name (binding-pattern) (binding-immutable) value)

; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ;

(define (merge-envs head-env tail-env)
(notrace 'merge-envs head-env tail-env)
(if (null? head-env)
(let* ([newn (caar head-env)]
[newl (cadar head-env)]
[level (cadar head-env)]
[newv (cddar head-env)]
[oldn (caar tail-env)]
#;[oldl (cadar tail-env)]
[oldv (cddar tail-env)]
[mrgv (cons newv oldv)]
[mrga (cons newn (cons newl mrgv))])
[mrga (cons newn (cons level mrgv))])
(notrace 'merge-envs newn oldn)
#;(notrace 'merge-envs newl oldl)
(assert (eq? newn oldn))
;(assert (eqv? newl oldl))
(cons mrga (merge-envs (cdr head-env) (cdr tail-env))))))

#;(write (merge-envs '((a 0 . x) (b 0 . y))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,116 +430,149 @@

(notrace 'match (sox pattern) (sox form) literals 'env)
(_ pattern form env 0 #t))

(define (strip x)
(if (syntax-object? x)
(if (top-marked? (syntax-object-wrap x))
(syntax-object-expr x)
(strip (syntax-object-expr x)))
(if (pair? x)
(let ([a (strip (car x))]
[d (strip (cdr x))])
(if (and (eq? a (car x)) (eq? d (cdr x)))
(define (syntax->datum syntax-object)
(if (syntax-object? syntax-object)
(if (top-marked? (syntax-object-wrap syntax-object))
(syntax-object-expr syntax-object)
(syntax->datum (syntax-object-expr syntax-object)))
(if (pair? syntax-object)
(let ([a (syntax->datum (car syntax-object))]
[d (syntax->datum (cdr syntax-object))])
(if (and (eq? a (car syntax-object)) (eq? d (cdr syntax-object)))
(cons a d)))
; XXX handle vector too
(if (vector? syntax-object)
(let* ([l (vector->list syntax-object)]
[s (syntax->datum l)])
(if (eq? s l)
(list->vector s)))

(define (datum->syntax template-id datum)
(make-syntax-object datum (syntax-object-wrap template)))

(define (null-wrap x)
(make-syntax-object x
(make-wrap (make-markset top-mark) (make-substset))))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a k b))
(null-wrap '(m 3 k 4))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a k b))
(null-wrap '(m 3 k 4))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a k b))
(null-wrap '(m 3 k 4))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a k b))
(null-wrap '(m 3 k 4))
'((a . (0 . 3)) (b . (0 . 4)) boo)))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
'((boo . (0 #t))))))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
'((boo . (0 . #t)))))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
'((boo . (0 #t))))))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
'((boo . (0 . #t)))))
'((a . (1 . (x y z))) (boo . (0 . #t)))))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ...))
(null-wrap '(m x y z))
'((a . (1 . (x y z))))))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ... b))
(null-wrap '(m x y z w))
'((boo . (0 . #t))))))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ a ... b))
(null-wrap '(m x y z w))
'((boo . (0 . #t)))))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ... b))
(null-wrap '(m x y z w))
'((boo . (0 . #t))))))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ a ... b))
(null-wrap '(m x y z w))
'((boo . (0 . #t)))))
'((a . (1 . (x y z))) (b . (0 . w)) (boo . (0 . #t)))))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ k (x y ...) ...))
(null-wrap '(m k (a) (b c) (d e f)))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '(_ k (x y ...) ...))
(null-wrap '(m k (a) (b c) (d e f)))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ k (x y ...) ...))
(null-wrap '(m k (a) (b c) (d e f)))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '(_ k (x y ...) ...))
(null-wrap '(m k (a) (b c) (d e f)))
'((x 1 a b d) (y 2 () (c) (e f)) boo)))

#;(write (strip (match (null-wrap '#(_ x ... z))
(null-wrap '#(m a b c))
(assert (equal? (strip (match (null-wrap '#(_ x ... z))
(write (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '#(_ x ... z))
(null-wrap '#(m a b c))
(assert (equal? (syntax->datum (match (null-wrap '#(_ x ... z))
(null-wrap '#(m a b c))
'((x . (1 . (a b))) (z . (0 . c)) boo)))

; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ;

(define (exp-syntax x r mr)
walk tree. For each symbol, if it's in mr,
substitute its bound value.


; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ; * ;

(define (XXeval expr env)
(trace 'eval expr env '=>
[(eq? expr #t) #t]
[else (eval expr (null-environment 5))])))

(define (exp-syntax-case x r mr)
(let ([expr (syntax-cadr x)]
[literals (syntax-caddr x)]
(trace 'exp-syntax-case (sox x) 'r 'mr)
(assert (syntax-object? x))
(assert (eq? (sox (syntax-car x)) 'syntax-case))
(let* ([expr (binding-value (env-lookup e 'x))]
[literals (syntax-object-expr (syntax-caddr x))]
[clauses (syntax-cdddr x)])
(define (_ clauses)
(if (null? clauses)
(syntax-error "...")
(if (syntax-null? clauses)
(syntax-error "syntax-case: no pattern matched")
(let* ([clause (syntax-car clauses)]
[pattern (syntax-object-expr (syntax-car clause))]
[pattern (syntax-car clause)]
[has-fender (pair? (syntax-cddr clause))]
[fender (if has-fender (syntax-cadr clause) (lambda () #f))]
[fender (if has-fender (syntax-cadr clause) '#t)]
[out-expr ((if has-fender syntax-caddr syntax-cadr) clause)]
[e (match pattern x literals '())]
[ee (cons e mr)])
(if (and e (eval fender ee))
(eval out-expr ee)
[e (match pattern expr literals '())]
[ee (push-environment e mr)])
(trace 'Kilroy)
(if (and e (XXeval fender ee))
(XXeval (syntax-object-expr out-expr) ee)
(_ (syntax-cdr clauses))))))
(_ clauses)))

(write (exp-syntax-case (null-wrap '(syntax-case x '() ((_) #t)))

(define b (make-binding 'x
(null-wrap '(foo))))
(set! e (make-environment '()))
(env-add-binding! e b)
(write (exp-syntax-case (null-wrap '(syntax-case x (l i t) ((_) "foo")))
Expand All @@ -522,7 +586,7 @@
[has-fender (pair? (cddr rule))]
[fender (and has-fender (cadr rule))]
[out-expr ((if has-fender caddr cadr) rule)]
[e (strip (match (caar rules) form literals '()))])
[e (syntax->datum (match (caar rules) form literals '()))])
(if (and e (or (not has-fender) (eval fender e)))
(list out-expr e)
(find-rule form (cdr rules) name literals)))))
Expand Down

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