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kb_z edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 7 revisions

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Q. What's the goal of this tool?

A. It's a simple tetris finesse training tool. The goal is to guide the piece you're given, to the target position.

Q. What are the game modes?

A. There's 9 different game modes, and one demo-mode

Mode Description
0: All Random You're assigned a piece randomly from the 7 possible minos
1: Z mode The only available piece is the Z
2: S mode The only available piece is the S
3: I mode The only available piece is the I
4: T mode The only available piece is the T
5: O mode The only available piece is the O
6: L mode The only available piece is the L
7: J mode The only available piece is the J
8: Free Stacking mode Play the classic stacker, with 0G (the pieces don't fall)
9: Demo Mode You don't get to play, but you get to watch the PC play perfectly

Q. Can I change my controls/keybinds?

A. Yes. Click the cog item in the top-left corner of the game screen, It'll take you to the settings window, where you can re-bind your controls.

Q. Can I use a controller?

A. Yes. While controllers are supported (I checked this using my PS4 controller) the bindings may need some adjustment. If that's the case, please check this page for more information on modifying settings and bindings.

Q. The game resets everytime I reload the page, is there a way to export/import my settings?

A. Yes. To export your settings, go to the settings window by clicking the cog in the top-left corner of the game screen. Update your settings and hit the Export button, this will download a json file containing your game settings. To import the settings, just drag and drop the settings file into the game screen, the settings will be applied immediately. This should no longer happen, however if you plan on playing on a different browser or on a different device, you'll need to update your settings on that device. Settings are stored locally.

Q. Where are you getting the finesse information from?

A. All the finesse moves are based on the 0G 60Hz SRS Finesse listed on the Harddrop wiki, in addition to the Mid-game Finesse Guide.